Title says it all, just comment what you power would be. You can only choose one and I'll put a limitation on your power.
For example my power is teleportation. My limitation is that I can only teleport to places I've been too or seen physically.
*heyy it's almost 50 lets keep it up guys! Thanks everyone who's commented
The power to give myself more powers
To make unlimited Bananas 🍌
Time control. Stop, rewind etc.
I know it might sound weird, but I think it would be cool to be able too impersonate anyone. Sounding exactly like them.
The ability to convert between different energies and matter.
No idea what this is called. But those claws that wolverine have.
Telekinesis. Control physical brain waves to make anyone do anything Control light waves for invisibility. Manipulate wind to fly. See a drunk driver? Use telekinesis to throw them on the side of the road. See where I'm going with this? [i]Endless power.[/i]
Jedi shit/Sith shit
The ability to read the thoughts of trees/tree minds. Limitation: [spoiler]Trees don't have minds.[/spoiler]
Lol rekt is rekt much easy much wow Power to do anything
total control over all forms of electricity with out shorting out wen I take a shower or drink water , but my body is till flesh and bone so I can still die
The ability to remove hair when I wipe my hands.
Know all knowledge needed to be known ever. I could become invincible from this And I'd basically get every superpower. I could make a ships to visit planets outside of our own universe, then gather their materials and craft things that grant me any superpower. Because I'd know how, because id know everything :)
DBZ magic or whatever it is called.
Time control!! (Don't make this shit confusing flood) [spoiler]Oh who am I kidding -__-[/spoiler]
My power is using the force
Anything I wish to be true. Kind of like having the infinity gauntlet.
The power to read minds. Extremely good at all times. Get me out of sticky situations. Help with girls, so I know what's the best thing to say to them.
Vampire that can walk in daylight
I have the ability to become invisible and then visible again on my command.
Kitten control... Just think of the POSSIBILITIES!!!!!!!!
Warlock voidwalker maxed warlock