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originally posted in: Free DLC/patch to fix story petition
Edited by Makuckn: 12/15/2014 7:59:38 PM
They wont do it, thats for sure.. But I agree with you: They should... I play Destiny since Alpha and Beta days. It was really fun exploring the cosmodrome! 'What a game' I thought. Then it came out the Alpha and Beta was 25% of the game! I was disappointed right away but gave bungie a chance to prove me wrong. The release version confirmed my doubts as the story line is not that long.. Well, 'story' is the wrong word because there is no story except the speaker telling me he [i]could[/i] tell me stories.. uhm, ok? The main story line has so many loose ends like 'why was I dead?' or 'What the f** is this all about?' Nothing gets answered and I thought, no, I hoped the DLC 1 will at least shed some light on the travellers light. I was wrong. In the main game the cutscenes had no atmothsphere, the dialogues were hollow and the story telling was a desaster. The DLC will be better.. Actually the DLC [b]is[/b] better as there is [b]NO STORY TELLING AND NO CUTSCENES AT ALL[/b]! Wow, that's clever bungie.. I really didn't expect that, truly clever to simply omit the weaknesses instead of improving them - and it is cheap as well! Smart move....... Destiny has .. had so much potential... As a trekkie and star wars fan I love space operas, sci fi in general. But the future has one handicap: Today no one would understand the future. Ghosts, sentient robots and stuff like that need to be introduced to the player not just thrown in their faces without any explanation. These intros are crucial as they make the world a bit more realistic, alive.. ByTheWay: No, the grimoire cards are NOT the story! They are not [i]in[/i] the game, they are [i]outside[/i]. That means [i]it's not part of the game[/i]. I don't want to exit the game and read the story in a browser. Did I buy a book or a game? And what is a story, when I didn't find the ghost containg the desired info? '[i]Wanna know what the fallen are? Find the ghosts we have hidden, teehee haha lol[/i]' Yeah, thanks for that one guys.... Anyway, a story doesn't consist of a brief description on the environment only, a story implies activity, a master plan, the way to go, the big picture, dialogues, action and last but not least the most important puzzle tile: emotions. The only emotions in the whole story of destiny is the suspicious, angry, pissed face expressions of the queens brother, a 20 second cutscene.......... all other characters look, act and talk like Christian Bale in Euilibrium, a movie about a future world where all emotions are completely suppressed by drug - no love, hate, anger, curiousity, humor or doubts... the dialogues in destiny feel like they simply wrote 20 phrases (there isn't more talking) on a white board and then shuffled without any common sense.. my favourite: 'be careful, you're not alone out there!' 'Huh, out where?'. Says the guardian standing on the moon in front of a freakin' alien temple!

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