A gatekeeper spawns when you kill the sword bearer. There's already a chest that you can get immediately after that part, the big question is why do you not get a reward for the deathsinger check point, so far there is 4 check points and 2 chests and you only get drops on 3 check points...
Deathsinger takes like 2 minutes, so reward isn't justified. Dont get me wrong, I'd LOVE one, but I don't see it happening.
Yeah , makes no sense. Deathsinger is the hardest part of the raid.
I couldn't say if it's Crota or death singer since the last time I tried that was when I was lvl 30 and so was every one else, since we just skip it now, but it doesn't seem that hard if you have 3 level 31s
If the liturgy song is active you get extra damage on the witch they told me