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12/16/2014 3:32:20 AM

Crota Raiders NEEDED! PS3

No specific time. Looking to expand my friends list with more people who are into doing raids almost every night. Looking for more "go to" people to make raiding as casual of a thing as doing bounties lol Im in Michigan (So Eastern time zone) and usually on every weekday from midnight to 5 a.m. Most likely all day saturday (depending on work), and sunday nights. Please send me a friend request using my id below, send me your id in these replies, or check out my simple clan, "Sagetarians" [SaG] PSN id: Oh_Bob_Saget_86 <<<<<<<<Level 31 Warlock, fully upgraded thorn(331 damage) mainly sunslinger class. I can hold my own, so dont worry lol Please at least be over the age of 20

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  • Psn coady151

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  • Im down for any raid crota or vog but vog gotta be on hard

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  • Add me PSN: I-BigBoy-I (those are capital i ) Lv 31 Hunter I have a mic. Fully upgraded Ghjallarhorn Experienced. Looking for a group to do Fresh Crota raid.

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  • [quote]No specific time. Looking to expand my friends list with more people who are into doing raids almost every night. Looking for more "go to" people to make raiding as casual of a thing as doing bounties lol Im in Michigan (So Eastern time zone) and usually on every weekday from midnight to 5 a.m. Most likely all day saturday (depending on work), and sunday nights. Please send me a friend request using my id below, send me your id in these replies, or check out my simple clan, "Sagetarians" [SaG] PSN id: Oh_Bob_Saget_86 <<<<<<<<Level 31 Warlock, fully upgraded thorn(331 damage) mainly sunslinger class. I can hold my own, so dont worry lol Please at least be over the age of 20[/quote] Lvl 30 hunter with raid experience RK_MUDBONE420

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    1 Reply
    • Yo im down

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      4 Replies
      • Like I said, this is a post I made so that I can find more friends to add to my list who are down to do raid anytime. Trying to expand the possibility of being able to log on and instantly create a fire team for raids whenever. If you are interested in this, simply leave your PS3 Id in order to be added, or send me a friend request using mine in my first post.

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      • Are u still doing crota

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      • ill help im a level 29 warlock add me at Ralpyj88

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      • Edited by Reckless: 12/16/2014 5:01:27 AM
        Hi there guys, add me for raids and nightfalls on ps3. Hunter 31 ID: m_arco-kfs- (or leave yours below)

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