>Be me
>Be insecure homeless kid
>Meet blonde Mexican kid
>Get bullied by blonde Mexican kid
>Be flirting with the ladies one day
>Juan Pablo kicks me in my really big penis
>Grab the border jumper by his faggy hair
>Repeatedly slam Juan's head into steel pole
>Teacher uses PMS attack on me
>Oh shit.jpeg
>Beaner gets eye disorder
>He can never stop blinking
>Says he's going to beat the shit out of me
>Social Security makes me move in with my Dad because homeless Mom
>Dad lives in Wisconsin
>Much win
Edited by Grifball: 12/16/2014 4:53:34 AM>Be me >skinny kid, nobody thinks I can hold my own >be bored on bus >upperclassmen sits down >mad because I'm in his seat > smashes me in seat >slaps my face twice >punches me once >whatthefrick.jpeg >kid in seat ahead sees my lip that's dried up and split is bleeding a tad >says upperclassmen won because I'm bleeding >getting kinda ticked >upperclassmen puts arm on my shoulder >ask nicely >says make me >punch him in the nose >he stumbles into next seat >feelsgood.jpeg >hits me two more times >I have no bruises (even days later) >he has a bloody nose > is now scared of me >sit in seat whenever without question And that's the greentext of my first fight, freshman year