Psn is sparky11212
Iv done most things on.destiny apart from the new raid is I want to.get all the guns from vog 1st looking for casual gamers as I don't get much time as the wife has just had a baby I'm.also a level 30 warlock and I'm.on.the ps4
You from the UK? There are a whole load of us that set up a clan. Always going through missions & raids and always someone on doing something. PSN FinGerS_o_FuDgE Clan: Marksmen Of Glory There is a Facebook group (search Marksmen Of Glory ) too where we arrange Raids etc. Congrats on the baby too. I've two kids myself (6 & 3) and once they are in bed it's my time to unwind & grind :P
I.have a clan already mate its l3g3ndary guardians we should.form an alliance so that we can and we do the same things basically aswel and it always helps that the time zone is the same as you are from the UK :) I'll add you and we can get the battle on also the husk of pit is available if you didn't know
Yeah sure, I'm not bothered about clans etc, I play with whoever I have online at the time. If we are ever short of players I'll invite and feel free to do the same ;)
Same here it just set the clan up for the achievements that was all andn I have done them now I have few good mates that are normally on its just hard to.find the 6 for the raid that's all
Sounds like you're in the same boat as me. Add me and we'll see if we can get a team together. Ps what timezone are you?
Add me it's easier as mine is already posted and I'm from the UK but with the baby's sleep patterns I'm on when in can be and if she's awake at 3 in the morn I'll be on lol
Will do. I'm in the UK too and on most evenings ranging from about 8pm till 2am
Fair play im on in about a hour free house tonight woop
Hey guys you can add me too. Lvl 30/warlock and 25/titan. Very casual gamer just enjoy having fun! Pager1525.
Just add me pal then ill accept
Congrats on the new addition to your family. East coast here (not sure that works for you) 28 titan, casual gamer myself with full time job and wife who games too so its a little easier for me to get on, but send me an add. Haven't done much raids or PVP. Have mic.
And I'm from the UK so have no idea what time difference is haha but my times are starting to vary as I may be up with the baby all night and sneak a hour in then
Lol, that I understand!! I'll send you an add, and if I'm on when you can get online hit me up.
No probs bud I should be on in about 4 hours time??
What's your psn I'll send you an invite and I haven't done much of pvp I mainly do the raids and nightfall and weekly now just pissed it's arc again as I have poo arc wepons really want the fate bringer never seem to get it tho