I didn't like it when I maxed it out from Xur
I didn't like it when it was my first exotic from a purple engram
I didn't like it when I got it from the last raid
And I definitely don't like it that I got it from this one as well.
This is a shitty weapon to me and I don't want anything to do with it. I would rather get bad juju than this steaming pile of a weapon.
Oh well I guess it has some use now as an exotic shard drop basically.
Red death is the lord and saviour tho!!!!
I know how you feel after 8 Last Words in a row.
I want it
That date tho.
Gives skrubs skrub guns
A buddy of mine has gotten 6 plan C's in a short period of time and he doesn't like fusion rifles to boot. Makes me think how is it rng if every time he gets the same thing.
Dude sounds like he is reading a Dr suess book. I do not like red death and ham. Lol just wait he will love it in time.
Trust me dude red death is way better than bad juju
-Does the Nightfall: Hard Light -Opens the raid chest: Hard Light -Plays a game in Cucible: Hard Light This all happened in a span of a week.
I want it.
I'll take all your Red Deaths for you. I really want that weapon!