I [i]love[/i] that drawing. Absolutely wonderful and it appeals to my interests of monsters.
You are an exceptionally kind person. Always positive and stayin out of drama. Rowing your own happy boat through a sea of, what can be overwhelming, negativity. We need more folks like you around.
It's a shame you're not as active anymore cheering on the art community in the mains
Despite that I still see you as a skilled and hard working artist. Your passion shows in your work in a beautiful way. I'm happy to see you grow as a creative member
Edited by TheComplimentor: 12/18/2014 2:15:32 AMThank you man :D that made my day yesterday when I read it, gave me the energy to start and finish a project that was due today. Also I'd like to say that I've always been supes jelly of your line art and how bad ass all of your creatures are and you've always been super awesome as a person :3 Keep up the sexy goodness Mr.Smi :D Also background was jus' kinda slapped on there but mwarp :3