Edit: Ok so some people don't read through this whole thing so I am going to say what I think would fix atleast the armor in the game. So i think we should have a style tab in the game just like how DC universe does it, except you must have the gear in order to look like it! So this way I could still look badass with my VOG armor and have the stats of that ugly vendor armor! Please hear me out I want this to be a thing in the game!
I have always loved the way the VOG armor looked( it's way better than the vendor gear!) anyways, bungie gave us a way to upgrade old exotics to be on par with the new guns! So why can't I upgrade my corrective measure to 331 attack? Or upgrade my VOG gear to have 36 light? I would be fine if in order to upgrade those legendaries we had to run the new raid to get a special drop! Idc I just want the option to keep my old gear and not be behind! There is another way to go about the armor thing!! Just make a style tab so I could equip that vendor gear that gets me to 31 and then switch over to the style tab and equip my VOG gear....so I can look badass while feeling badass, but with the weapon upgrades just do something similar to the exotics or make them be upgraded with embalming orbs or something! Just hear me out and make the game better! So many people wouldn't feel like they've worked for nothing and in doing this you're creating a bigger grind and ik you guys at bungie love grinding
When ever I post negative shit you guys jump on it like animals, but constructive positive feedback you do nothing!