Okay. I am fed up with this. Bungie, tell us what the deal is with husk of the pit. Because of the demo version being able to obtain it at those low levels, and it had originally been rumored that it was out of a white engram, I deleted my hunter to start fresh. I wouldn't have had to make that horrible mistake if you had given us info on how it is obtained. I only need to know whether you left it out for some reason or other, and if you left it out because of the hard raid not being released yet. I hate that I can't get that godforsaken gun yet, and I have tried everything.
On an unrelated note, CROTA IS RIDICULOUS. I had a full raid team of 3 31s and 3 30s, and after 5 HOURS of grinding at crota, I proceeded to rage quit. MAKE CROTA LESS F*CKING HARD. the knights in the side towers kill us every time, and the first thing that happens is that we are too slow to kill the sword bearer and it falls apart again. It isn't fair to make a raid that takes a group of that level 5 hours before giving up.
Also, RNGesus hates me. I get 10 energy out of the nightfall, and 9 strange coins out of the nightfall the second time.
Lol we got him to half health on the first swordbearer, but I must say it's all about timing and calling stuff out, and some luck