So I was playing IB earlier & there were multiple instances (I repeat multiple) where I came across a level 28-29 player & we engaged in a firefight.
We were at a sensible distance but unlike in the REAL WORLD, this 28-29 player had a chance against a me a level 31 player. A few times I was even demolished (IE they show half health & I'm watchin my ghost suck it up)
IB is power advantageous right?? We'll quite frankly I submit that is WRONG (I don't care what Bungie says) This thing is crap, I should be destroying anyone under 30. What is the point of having an event to test your skills, when it is basically just the same as normal crucible (which sucks due to lag)
I'll still play (and Bungie knows it unfortunantely) but serously, what a joke.
PS I faced a 27 and he almost beat me (both of us had vex's & were warlocks) kinda sad right.
EDIT 1: I now understand attack levels on guns do NOT change from 29-31. I knew having a higher/fully leveled gun made a difference but thought player level influenced this as well (bad assumption with this game) So we are all doing the same amount of damage in that range of levels.
Also I now see the defense levels of players 29-31 are very very very close. Like a body shot rather than a headshot close. With this in mind, I will now go in expecting IB to be the same as crucible (with more advantage to 31s against those under 28)
For those saying I'm just bad, I didn't say it happens all the time & see recent Kd's etc. I'm not complaining about dying, I don't play PvP that much so who really cares, I am more or less stating that this power gap I thought existed DOESN'T, therefore making this "event" pointless...
PS: The lag is REAL people!! Lol
There's a 3 level range in damage effectiveness so 28/29 -31 would have nearly equal opportunity against each other. The next factor is guns, doesn't matter what level you are, if your gun is maxed youre gonna do some damage! I played with my hunter at 25 earlier, I went up against 30/31 and could win because of maxed guns but I was -blam!-ed if they got a couple of good shots in because my armour is weak.