Our [i]beloved[/i] friends over at Hasbro in their [i]infinite wisdom[/i] decided to pull the plug on Transformers Universe. This game, which is still in Beta, will be fully shut down on January 31st, 2015. Server shut down has already begun, and Founders' Pack owners are being refunded. At this time, neither Hasbro nor Jagex have come forward with a reason for this shut down, and I don't we will ever get one. If you can still play, then enjoy every moment of it, because it won't last much longer.
Personally, this decision pisses me off to no end. I have eagerly awaited this game since it was announced a couple years back, and when Open Beta arrived, I was overjoyed to finally be able to play the game that I'd waited so long for. I hoped to be able to play alongside my fellow fanfiction writer who lives in Serbia when the game fully released. But thanks to Hasbro, those hopes are dashed.