Xbox One
Level 31 Hunter
Level 29 Warlock
Always willing to add more friends to play raids, nightfalls and weeklys with.
Experienced with VoG on normal and hard. I know what to do with Crotas End but never beat Crota. Mostly because I can never get a good enough group.
Also if you are looking to add a new class I have a level 3 titan that I would like to work on with someone that's fun to play with.
Add me and I will add you.
lvl 30+ on all three classes we have most if not all the essential exotic and raid weapons i have a small group i usually run with but find it very hard to get a full raid team for crota that gels together and am getting tired of trying to find randoms on a daily basis in the forums. we all have laid back personalities and have a lot of experience on both raids. we are familiar with whatever strategy you're comfortable with and we'll share our own strats, whatever it takes to achieve success. my xboxone gt is same as above. invite me and maybe we can get a constant raid group for every weekly refresh. i am on everyday (EST) after work and also willing to finish the raid multiple times a week to help anyone clear it.
my gamertag is my name above...add looking for ppl to run with
Will do. My GT same as my username.