Can't have any of these bottom feeding scrubs leeching off us raid pros. They aren't worthy of even playing if they aren't good enough to get this gun.
For those wondering, I EARNED my gjallarhorn today in a raid chest. Get good scrubs.
I vastly underrated the amount of autism on the bungie forums.
Looks like 550 m9s missed the b7.
We should ban everyone without max gjallarhorn 2.0.
Lol troll made me laugh though I can't lie 7/10 for the attempt to prove you were good at raiding
Using vestment talkig bout welfare exotics
I got it twice from Crucible and I was doing bad. Just saying
Edited by Crazydave2321: 12/18/2014 5:57:20 AMHa ghorn don't make you pro. I took out crota no cheating with little hardly any Rocket use. On top of us not using rockets there were only 3 in the fire team.
Re-name it crutch-erhorn
Re-name it crutch-erhorn
Based on this topic, op would make an excellent fisherman
Real radiers dont need a gjallarhorn to beat raids you scrubs
Cleared ROC Summoning Pits in less than 10 minutes, 2/3 people using Gjallarhorn. Brogoth kneels before our sweg.
Dude,i was thinking about posting the same thing,i dont play with non gjallarhorners,mabye instead of banning though bungie could put them in theyre own little server,then they could all run around in circles in patrol or circle jerk,whatever it is that non gjallahorners do.Then everyone would be happy. #Gjallarhornmasterrace.
Always read hashtags before commenting
Lol, congrats on the Gjallahorn, man. I'm still waiting for mine.
(Gjallarhorn is not a raid Rocket Launcher, its a Crucible Rocket Launcher) Thats like me saying BAN EVERYONE WITHOUT BAD JUJU
Ghorn/Icebreaker or GTFO the raid. GjallarhornMasterRace
More like you got lucky and was blessed by rng
I totally agree [spoiler]said no one ever[/spoiler]
Edited by JumpingZebra428: 12/18/2014 4:07:39 AMWhat bungie needs to do is ban people who make the same class.
Really kid?! 18 VoG clears and 1 TDB clear and you're going to talk crap about people not having the Gjallahorn? I know your trying to troll people but c'mon, you're garbage!
U take it
Edited by Chit Chat: 12/18/2014 4:09:17 AMToday? I have the classic one and have had it for months. GG. OG status. Lol
Congrats on the new Ghorn man!
Edited by SpamTheDamage: 12/18/2014 4:09:23 AMYou only have one ghorn get good scrub lord [spoiler]lol[/spoiler]
Wow, I'm surprised so much people don't realize you're a troll with nothing better to do than to write an outrageous comment so you can get people to notice you.
Ahah lool OMG I love you
Pro's made good because of one gun, that's how that works right?
Told her to get lost, got home and guess who was there? THAT CRAZY BACON!!!