Can't have any of these bottom feeding scrubs leeching off us raid pros. They aren't worthy of even playing if they aren't good enough to get this gun.
For those wondering, I EARNED my gjallarhorn today in a raid chest. Get good scrubs.
I vastly underrated the amount of autism on the bungie forums.
Looks like 550 m9s missed the b7.
We should ban everyone without max gjallarhorn 2.0.
wow you are a bungie fanboy dumbass.
Bad troll is bad
Ummm Congratz! How old are you again? Aaand how many times have you actually beaten the raid? Oooo a raid chest! Guys look! I got this exotic from running to my left! You're the scrub -blam!-
u still a scrub cause u havent leveled it. if u have ans have fired it more than 10 times youd call it by its real name ballerhorn
We'll somebody let their 5 year old on the internet again
Speak it brudda
Someone earned his jolly Gjally!
So until today you were a bottom feeder..a 'leach' like the rest of us...tell me why exactly should we treat you like king sh*t?
Your pûssy asś probably gets carried through the raid faggôt.
And no, hunger of crota doesn't count.
Earned =/= obtained through RNG
Ahahahaha I agree
I have Hunger Of Crota lol Its like a rip off version of Gallyhorn