Can't have any of these bottom feeding scrubs leeching off us raid pros. They aren't worthy of even playing if they aren't good enough to get this gun.
For those wondering, I EARNED my gjallarhorn today in a raid chest. Get good scrubs.
I vastly underrated the amount of autism on the bungie forums.
Looks like 550 m9s missed the b7.
We should ban everyone without max gjallarhorn 2.0.
I lol'd hard at this post. very funny :)
Edited by milkshake guy: 12/18/2014 6:30:17 PMLol raid pro? I have more completions than u do and I do not have a ghorn
Im about to ban myself for not having it. Ive gotten 3 of every other damn gun in this game including 2 Truths just this week. I cant stand not having it!
Funny no one suspects a troll
Dude you sir and or madame are a LEGEND!
Earned? You mean rng.
Watch him sell plan C
Please shut the -blam!- up and don't reproduce.
Shut the -blam!- up, we cant do nothing about that.. you got lucky and got ur gjallarhorn.. not everyone is slucky enough to get gjallarhorn
Go EARN a relationship. Noone loves you.
Gr8 b8, m8. I rel8, str8 appreci8, and congratul8. I r8 this b8 an 8/8. Plz no h8, I'm str8 ir8. Cr8 more, can't w8. We should convers8, I won't ber8, my number is 8888888, ask for N8. No calls l8 or out of st8. If on a d8, ask K8 to loc8. Even with a full pl8, I always have time to communic8 so don't hesit8. dont forget to medit8 and particip8 and masturb8 to allevi8 your ability to tabul8 the f8. We should meet up m8 and convers8 on how we can cre8 more gr8 b8, I'm sure everyone would appreci8, no h8. I don't mean to defl8 your hopes, but its hard to dict8 where the b8 will rel8 and we may end up with out being appreci8d, I'm sure you can rel8. We can cre8 b8 like alexander the gr8, stretch posts longer than the Nile's str8s. We'll be the captains of b8, 4chan our first m8s the growth r8 will spread to reddit and like real est8 and be a flow r8 of gr8 b8, like a blind d8 we'll coll8, meet me upst8 where we can convers8, or ice sk8 or lose w8 infl8 our hot air baloons and fly, tail g8. We could land in Kuw8, eat a soup pl8 followed by a dessert pl8 the payment r8 won't be too ir8 and hopefully our currency won't defl8. We'll head to the Israeli-St8, taker over like Herod the gr8 and b8 the jewish masses, 8 million, m8. We could interrel8 communism, thought it's past it's maturity d8, a department of st8, volunteer st8. reduce the infant mortality r8, all in the name of making gr8 b8 m8.
Lol you got it today? I don't want to raid with you you don't even know how to use that bastard
Post like this are what's making this community shit. It's most likely a joke but still there's too many cry babies already. Don't be that guy
"Earned in a raid chest" pfft
Does he not know who I am? I'm the juggernaut
I'm happy with my dragon breath =)
Edited by The Boaby: 12/18/2014 4:51:37 PMPeople like you should have your own raid and get an emblem with TWAT on it. Raid Pro bet that looks great on your CV just below couch potatoe :) P.S. your gamer tag is code for camping B*stard Merry Christmas
You have to be the biggest dumbass I've ever seen on forums... You are a pro raider? Get a life bro people play this game for fun and just bc they don't have a ghorn they arnt good enough to play the game? Your probably a 25 year old virgin who sits on the couch all day beating his meat to porn eating Cheetos and playing destiny like it's actually your life. You are a loser my friend and the people that don't have ghorns are probably to busy out -blam!-ing bitches or doing something with there lives not bitching about people not having guns up to your standards.
And by earning you mean you just got lucky right scrub?.
I have TWO! So does that mean I'm twice as good as you?!?!
Edited by The Space Nib: 12/18/2014 4:42:41 PMNah man id rather get Dragons Breath or Truth over the the Jelly Horn. [spoiler]your autism is a special kind of autism (jk jk) #AustismSpeaks[/spoiler] [spoiler]gr8 b8 m8 I r8 8/8 no h8[/spoiler]
Obvious troll post. But cmon man at least beat the raid before trying to make jokes about it.
Not funny try harder