Can't have any of these bottom feeding scrubs leeching off us raid pros. They aren't worthy of even playing if they aren't good enough to get this gun.
For those wondering, I EARNED my gjallarhorn today in a raid chest. Get good scrubs.
I vastly underrated the amount of autism on the bungie forums.
Looks like 550 m9s missed the b7.
We should ban everyone without max gjallarhorn 2.0.
All these responses lol you guys are dumb. He's obviously trolling the shit out of you all. Hats off to you homie good job I applaud you lol
Must be me with ghorn AND dragons breath then :D
Preach it brother!!
Its up to rngesus and this post is just to stupid to insult
Such pro you earned it from a chest bravo!!!
yeah i got invited to a raid and in party chat they were like do you have a maxed gjallahorn? iM sWaGz has been removed from the party.
This is the definition of the bad kind of nerd.
You know this is a troll right I see ppl taking this like he ment it
If u earned ur ghorn then u f**n suck!!!!! Ghorn has been out since day one and u berly got it... So u suck and have bad luck!!!!
Edited by RagingPheonix00: 12/18/2014 10:14:40 AMEasily enough report and mute. Bye bye, gams been out a while ban retarts lik this guy who dont have 3 characters yet
Hey Sharpshooter Your mother just messaged me. She wanted me to let you know that your not her little shooter anymore, I am ;)
Actually it's not Autism, it's the inability to detect irony! Fact
Wow we are not worthy!!!
Rng isn't earning, scrub.
You did earn that didn't you. Holding down the button to open the chest. Such a brave and strong guardian. You should be proud of yourself. Cause I don't think anyone else is
I love it how as soon as you get it you criticise others that don't have it. You're the real scrub lord
Earned randomly through RNG do u want a medal u pleb??? So u got one chest in the raid.... It had a galahorn and u earned that bull..... I think ppl who spent 17 coins earned it more than you!
So you consider yourself pro raider and you have only beaten VOG 18 times and 1 time Crota ?? Really hahahahaha your are pathetic , they should ban you just because you think you are pro
You aren't part of the #gjallarhornmasterrace until you unlock the your perks scrub, get good
What I told you we take crota down with voc. If you need a ghorn you need to get good.
Why would you make a post saying "I'm a troll and I don't get females?" Funny guy.
Earn: verb, (def) to luckily gain something through a task that requires minimal effort to accomplish. Pro: (abbreviation for professional) noun, adj, Noun, a title "earned" by showing minimal amounts of skill and saying your better than everyone; Adj, being lucky, unskilled, and still thinking you are better than everyone else. Jerk: noun, (def) 1) one who is very rude and self centered. 2) one who thinks he is better than others, when he is not. 3) Sharpshooter421 Seriously? U think your a "raid professional" i got full raid armor from Crota's end and I'm not saying I'm better than anyone have full raid gear. Seriously its fricken LUCK! If u think the gun is so great, why didn't u just buy it when it was for sale? Oh wait i know why. Getting strange coins takes too much effort. Im sorry, i didn't know pushing buttons on a controller was such a strenuous task. I hear opening chests takes only one button push.
Hmmm "earned"...i dont think that is the correct word
Lol the amount of autism I love it. That being said, I totally agree with this post. BAN THEM ALL !!!
Get on my level and pick up a dragons breath noob