So I was doing the Nightfall last minute of last week, and everything was going fine no issues what so ever(Besides the one wipe :P). But the rewards me and my buddy got just made us both done of this nonsense. He got 8 Strange Coins and I got 5....5....not 7 not 8 but 5. If i don't know a kick in the Salong then thats a kick in the Salong and the golf balls. Bungie Why you do this? Why? Why?......
Got 2 legendary (crap) sniper rifles and 5 coins for my three nightfalls this week. So, fairly worthless. Not as bad as my buddy who got shards from his last two nightfalls. Shards and energies really need to be taken out of the nightfall loot table. Too many other ways to get them and people with a lot of hours already have more than they know what to do with. I have 350 shards even after upgrading a full set of the new legendary armor. Freaking worthless crap.
I got plan c 2.0 (meh) my buddy got a hawkmoon 2.0.
I havnt done a nightfall yet. But posts like these make me not want to lol
I would take 5 coins over a crappy legendary rocket launcher
Would you say that you are......uber butthurt?
Yeah talk to me after a month of nothing but five strange coin or crappy legendary shotguns that just turn into 2 ascended energy, I average more from one weekly heroic and then I do my 3 night falls combined.
They like making people's butts hurt