I've been to about 4-5 pugs from lfg.net and everytime we go in there, EVERYONE wants to glitch or exploit every boss encounter.
1. Glitch the bridge
2. Die and self res at gatekeeper, done in 5mins...
3. Skip shielded room by finding crota checkpoint, done and done
4. Die and self rez to negate no health regen- yea like this was even an issue
5. Have leader d/c when crota is kneeling down- really? you guys suck so bad you need to exploit this?
I hear this garbage over and over in every pug I join. My question is, how the F do you guys sleep at night knowing you are cheating on this very simple instance? All you need are competent players that communicate properly and this instance can easily done in 40 minutes.
I think Bungie should ban all you people for exploiting such a simple raid content. I'm not really one to say people need to earn their gear, but this is just getting ridiculous. Have some dignity people.
[b]edit:[/b] Lol you people who are saying I am a hypocrite, don't be mad I'm calling you people out for exploiting. I'm someone who loves this game and don't want to cheat or exploit my way through everything. I just want to play the game the way it was intended to be.
[b]edit #2:[/b] Some of you people are getting wayyyy too butthurt about me talking about sleeping at night. It's really just my way of saying how can you have a clean conscience when you are cheating and exploiting yourself into a really simple instance. I really don't care how you literally sleep at night so please relax. Lol I obviously got alot of cheaters upset over my post.
Honestly I thought it was good bringing in a emblem to show who has done the raid and after I found out about tonight's glitch it now is worthless. I have one guy in my tight group that is lazy as -blam!- and always wants to cheese every chance he gets and the rest of us prefer legit or at least close. (Nightfalls - room camping Ect)
Can 5 legit players on xbox one carry me then? Seems like every group I join talks like everyone here, then fails for 2 hours. Also, 90% of my 20 destiny friends, no longer play destiny, so I get to enjoy the true RNG of game drops and raid group quality.
Edited by G Bullet: 12/18/2014 3:20:01 PMHow bout this deal... When they fix the heavy ammo glitch that eats hours worth of glimmer then I might try legit... How the hell can you get penalized in a raid for wearing raid boots????? Those bastards are cheesing us!!!!
Hopefully they fix fast. In the meantime Gouda for All.
It'll make the hard raid when all this is patched sooo much harder.
Edited by ZanzaJoe: 12/18/2014 3:30:07 PMDidn't know about that last one. Only half the blame can be placed on people doing this. These raids obviously were thrown together quickly to push content out on the shelves. They clearly skipped steps in the development process, testing and troubleshooting. These glitches are the reason hard mode was held back. We're all just unpaid testers at the moment. Just adds to the pile up of accusations that bungie is being lazy.
I'm all for the bridge cheese, but Crota is not bad at all. I was in a group last night where we beat Crota with the chalice. Got him on the 5th sword no problem. Just work together people and don't rely on exploits!! I see tons of people complaining about lack of content, and when it comes out, the first thing they do is figure out how to beat it without truly playing. BUT...I just want the gear, so if people wanna cheese, I'll do it as well.
I've done it a couple of times and it does make the raid seem unsatisfying... Also everytime I get to the end people end up dropping. Still havent managed to complete this raid!!! My favourite raid day was when I was able to start fight the Templar again
I totally agree. My first Crota raid run was the day after the DLC was released. I joined the group and, when we started up the game, I did not realize we were at the Crota checkpoint. Then one guy says " I know how to do the cheese". I was like "Damn, it's only been a day and ppl are already cheesing". I just left after that. But that's why Bungie only gave us the normal mode at release. They want the players to discover the cheats and exploits so they can patch them up so the raid could be ready when Hard mode rolls around. The tables will be turned then. Hard mode is gonna be a bitch.
Never cheesed it, never will.
How bout this deal... When they fix the heavy ammo glitch that eats hours worth of glimmer then I might try legit... How the hell can you get penalized in a raid for wearing raid boots????? Those bastards are cheesing us!!!!
Or, here me out, we could use the time saved by glitching the raid to go back to pounding your mom. Win/win situation 👌
I beat crota legit everytime but if the DC glitch works and cuts the time in half I'm down for whatever man
Because we are smart enough to figure out how to make it easier? Jealous you're too stupid to have ever figured that out?
Glitches? You mean time savers. All though I do like actually doing the raid the normal way. Unless I'm with some really annoying people.
Everybody on my raid team has done the whole thing legit, we cheese the bridge just to save time (when you run 2-3 raids any part you can save time on helps).
Edited by G Bullet: 12/18/2014 3:18:53 PMWhen you've already played it legit and you just get f'd on every drop... That's why. I don't like to repeat the same thing for hours that I already know I can waste legit. It gives more time to my kids, family. I was actually able to watch a movie the other day because it didn't take hours of repetitious crap from a broken RNG. Come on man... But I put in my time, hit the new raid 4am day of dlc drop and have spent at least 8 hours in Croats final stand off. What's that old saying "why keep kicking a dead horse?" Plain and simple and it feels good to have a little free time from the game. Actually makes me wanna play it more. Like I don't need to prove to anyone how legit I can do things. Check my time and stats. At this point it's efficiency to get other stuff done. How bout this deal... When they fix the heavy ammo glitch that eats hours worth of heavy ammo then I might try legit... How the hell can you get penalized in a raid for wearing raid boots. Those bastards are cheesing us!!!!
[quote]edit: Lol you people who are saying I am a hypocrite, don't be mad I'm calling you people out for exploiting. I'm someone who loves this game and don't want to cheat or exploit my way through everything. I just want to play the game the way it was intended to be.[/quote] That's what the recruitment forums and DestinyLFG, and DestinyTracker are for. You can find like minded individuals to run the raid with and do it the way YOU want to do it. I don't understand people like you. You whine and cry about how other people play a game that they also paid 60 bucks for (80 now with an expac.). There is no trading economy, no one gets an ingame financial step up over you, what's your deal? You just want to be able to show who has the bigger epeen, because you have to make up for lack of excitement in your personal life? Do you get mad at people who open beer bottles with a lighter instead of a bottle opener? They accomplish the same goal with different tools. Your logic is truly a marvel of human stupidity.
Get over it you -blam!-ing baby
It's funny. Normally I might not have cared when people glitched out a boss. However, after completing the raid 3 times in under 3 hours on Tuesday (no glitching, skipping cps, etc.) I'm actually genuinly annoyed that others can take the same cred, with no effort at all. Oh well!
[quote]how the F do you guys sleep at night knowing you are cheating on this very simple instance?[/quote] I sleep pretty well. It's a game bro, nothing to feel sorry about, don't you have better things in your life to worry about?
Actually it's just a good deal, like when Amazon sold a bunch of stuff for 1p. People take advantage of good deals, you should be getting at Bungie to test their game before releasing it!
It is pretty sad, I've got to agree with you.
EH, bragging about drops is more important to many than being able to say they completed a raid start to finish. How one becomes more important than the other in their heads is beyond me but I don't really need to understand it. I waited to do a full run of VOG till the glitches were patched out and will likely do the same thing with Crota but I am enjoying the once a week free peek in that chest. As far as how other people play, I really don't care as there is no P2P economy and no way for it to have a negative impact on my game. This is also another reason to raid with a crew as opposed to random stew. #playyourgame
How do we sleep at night? ...Because this is a video game
Thanks for telling me how to glitch the raid now. Gonna go do this now