I've been to about 4-5 pugs from lfg.net and everytime we go in there, EVERYONE wants to glitch or exploit every boss encounter.
1. Glitch the bridge
2. Die and self res at gatekeeper, done in 5mins...
3. Skip shielded room by finding crota checkpoint, done and done
4. Die and self rez to negate no health regen- yea like this was even an issue
5. Have leader d/c when crota is kneeling down- really? you guys suck so bad you need to exploit this?
I hear this garbage over and over in every pug I join. My question is, how the F do you guys sleep at night knowing you are cheating on this very simple instance? All you need are competent players that communicate properly and this instance can easily done in 40 minutes.
I think Bungie should ban all you people for exploiting such a simple raid content. I'm not really one to say people need to earn their gear, but this is just getting ridiculous. Have some dignity people.
[b]edit:[/b] Lol you people who are saying I am a hypocrite, don't be mad I'm calling you people out for exploiting. I'm someone who loves this game and don't want to cheat or exploit my way through everything. I just want to play the game the way it was intended to be.
[b]edit #2:[/b] Some of you people are getting wayyyy too butthurt about me talking about sleeping at night. It's really just my way of saying how can you have a clean conscience when you are cheating and exploiting yourself into a really simple instance. I really don't care how you literally sleep at night so please relax. Lol I obviously got alot of cheaters upset over my post.
How do you sleep in your race car bed at night? After your parents tell you to go to bed I mean
Take the cheesing how it is now. Bungie learned from VoG. Hard mode is going to be hard now. Everyone found all these exploits the first week. That gives them plenty of time to fix all the problems with the raid. Once hard mode comes around all the scrubs who had to cheese everything will be crying its too hard and can't do it. So be happy there is cheesing. Come January only the Guardians who can actually becomes legend will have the right to hold one of the many rewards and sweet sweet loots.
How do people sleep at night that use these glitches you ask. Easy. It's a -blam!-ing game you douche.
I prefer not to cheese the encounters because I'm planning to do Hard mode when it comes out. However, when 5 people insist on doing it I don't really have much of a choice, either go along with it or get booted. But honestly 'how can you sleep at night'?? It's a video game, even if I wanted to cheese everything possible it certainly wouldn't affect my being able to sleep. This is exactly why they won't release HM until they've patched all the exploits. I can't wait to see the herd thinned significantly. However, it won't really matter by then because everyone will be 32 and have all the weapons except the primaries. For most people HM is an option, not a requirement, especially since all those primary weapons will be obsolete a couple months after that. Not to mention there isn't a single piece of armor that is a *must* have from HM.
I understand your grief, but it can't be helped. Majority of people would rather take the easiest route, despite moral high ground being against them. It is what it is.
Cheese away, hard mode will thin the weak just like vog after atheon and templar patches. I'll still be beating crota and booting cheese eaters.
You know what the really unfortunate thing is. It's going to be near impossible to get a group together that [b]won't[/b] use exploits. [b]Most[/b] people are going to use these exploits, because let's face it, no one REALLY wants to spend several hours playing the Raid. Honestly, we are console players, we enjoy short fun gaming sessions at the very least. I only have 3 hours a night and I definitely don't want to spend that doing one Raid. If it wasn't for the people showing us how to complete the Raid really quickly, not many people would play it. I played my first Crota raid the other night, and the team I was with was 2 of my friends and 3 randoms, and everyone, even my friends, decided they wanted to exploit the Gatekeepers, I was the only Warlock so they forced me into doing it (forced because I really wanted to play the Raid). I said to them "So why are people exploiting this only a week after it's been released?" with a very smart ass tone of voice, and they responded with "It just takes too long to do it normally, and it's frustrating because people die all the time". It's funny, because Bungie hasn't seemed to have learnt their lesson from the VoG. I mean, the VoG is actually much more fun than Crota's End if you ask me, but both are VERY grindy, both are VERY frustrating when you are playing with a team with any not-so-good players. The Raid needs to be tough, but not tough enough that you can ONLY beat it with skilled players. It needs to be fun, and not have ANY frustrating elements. We heard rumors Bungie had learnt that, but they have not.
Edited by MAD X H0USE: 12/18/2014 8:48:21 PMFirst time ever doing Crota's End took an hour, start to finish, no cheese. It's not hard to do if you have a solid team. I say go ahead and let them cheese. Let them cheese their little hearts out. Then when Bungie patches it, like they did Atheon and the Templar, the teams full of scrubs will be sh!t outta luck because they won't know what the hell they're actually supposed to be doing.
Ok first off, cool your jets, it's a video game. Secondly, you try spending five hours- yes, FIVE HOURS because of glitches and mic lag causing our swordbearer to miss the mark on hitting Crota- on a single encounter in a video game and not get fed up with it. If you have the time and energy to put that into a video game, wonderful, but some of us don't and we're making do with what we can get. If the Raid could be a stable encounter that didn't bug out half the time and would be a legitimately challenging experience rather than being 300% more difficult than it should be, then I would support you wholeheartedly. But it isn't.
It's ok OP, the cheesers will swarm to the forums complaining that it's too hard once Bungie patches all the exploits out.
If the group is at all geared and can work together, you don't need to glitch or exploit anything. Dear God, someone solo'd this raid in 34 minutes. I don't hold the same morality argument, but I have NO interest in cheesing this raid, and I agree it is annoying that so many lfg groups want to do it. I think the cheese methods are more of a pain than just doing it legit.
When you post looking for a team make sure you add "no cheese" this way you'll find a group that is interested in playing the raid. When hard mode comes out, all these kids will be screwed and will want to be carried.
Exploit for life
Ha this post is funny, some guy got mad after and exploit.
I like a warm glass of milk before bed and that keeps me sleeping. This is all part of many mmo's. If your too noble for the "Desitiny" community, there's still "W.O.W" you can go back to.
Done it the right every time. Only done the deathsinger part once though. It's annoying and it doesn't give loot so yeah screw that...
Muted for being a crybaby
I'm happy they are cheeseing cause now all the bugs will be worked out before hard
unless you left you the group then you don't get to cry about it. You still got loot. It's like robbing and bank and telling everyone how terrible they are in the back seat of the get-away car with a duffle bag of money if your lap.
I hope you backed out before receiving those rewards from cheesing Crota then. If not, sit down and shut the -blam!- up kid.
Edited by Marcelis_Wallace: 12/18/2014 9:25:59 PMI just have one thing to say about your rant. Have an issue? Here's a tissue.
Edited by armyofarchitects: 12/18/2014 10:09:03 PM#pugs?
Edited by Cordic_Cyberpunk: 12/18/2014 9:45:29 PMall these sad tears yummy !!!!
Lol you're a nerd and a cry babyy.
I played for over an hour with a group trying Crota. That last checkpoint. Couldn't get competent people and I had to work. So we tried the cheese. Of course, they -blam!-ed that up too. So I have Crota checkpoint if anyone wants to do it tonight, legit or otherwise. For the love of god it's not hard just please know what you're doing.
If the game drop system wasn't so messed up perhaps people would actually do the raid legit.