Sorry Im not sorry for posting another so quickly
The Ghost
[i]Of an Era Long Past[/i]
Secondary Slot
Looks like a Lever Action Winchester
Fire Method: Lever Action
Rounds Have extended range, more impact, and less spread, but reloading is one shot at a time, and you have to pull the lever between shots
Holds 8 Rounds
Perk 1:
Shot Package
Upgrades 2:
High Cal Rounds
Single Point Sling
Exotic Perk: Old Bess
The rounds from this weapon are old, and in short supply. Less ammo drops and less in ammo drops, but heavily increased damage against shields and flesh, as well as a range increase.
Stats, cause I forgot XD Rock Bottom RoF Max Impact Little over 1/3 range No Stability (As in absolutely none, killer kick and no way to dampen it) 1/4 Reload