So by know everyone and their grandmothers have voiced their opinion about Destiny. After over three months of gaming, I'd like to give some input on some ideas to improve Destiny a little bit for everyone. I'll avoid larger issues such as content(or lack thereof) or RNG.
[u][b]Revamping the D-Pad[/b][/u]
Everyone knows what the D-Pad does. Left is point, up is wave, right is dance, and down is sit down. This is an inefficient use for the D-Pad.
My idea to make it better(and I'm sure many other have thought about this before me) is to change around what each direction does.
[u]Right[/u]: Consumables such as Ammo Synths and Black Wax Idols.
[u]Left[/u]: Map. Only in areas such as the Tower, or areas you can patrol on planets.
[u]Up[/u]: Favorites. Similar to Skyrim, this would allow you to switch weapons in a hurry, rather than having to go to the menu in the middle of a firefight.
[u]Down[/u]: This should open up a drop down menu of all your "actions(for lack of a better term) like dancing and pointing.
[b][u]No NPC Love?[/u][/b]
One of my favorite part of video games is the NPCs. Destiny has some of the most uninteresting NPCs I have ever seen. The stand in one spot, saying one sentence every 10 or so seconds, and are only there as a vendor.
First how about we let those poor NPCs who are glued to their spot move around a bit? The poor sweeping robots are an excellent example. They stand in the same place everyday sweeping the same spot. How about move them around to different spots, and make it so that he will sweep a spot at random(that way to avoid him sweeping the same three to four spots every day)
Next how about adding more NPCs civilians and NPC guardians. In the first Tower cutscenes you see guardians walking around the Tower talking to each other and just chilling. After the cutscene you see between 5-15 other guardians standing next to a vendor or in a random place lost in thought or dancing. Adding more NPCs can flesh out some life in this otherwise barren Tower.
[b][u]Forget the Vault of Glass![/u][/b]
This was just disappointing. All that time and effort going into the Vault of Glass and you reward us by making Vendor gear a higher light level than the raid gear.
Bungie's first mistake(in my opinion) was capping the light level at 32. That's a measly two levels for everyone reading this. So basically vendor gear would have to be at level 31 because the old vendor gear could get you to 29. That leaves raid armor obsolete, which is just sad because of 1) how much work it took to get it, and 2) because the VoG was a wonderful part of this game. The only reason to go back to it now is for enough Ascendant Material to upgrade your new Vanguard gear.
A way to fix this is to drop Vanguard gear to level 30, and make VoG gear level 31(this includes weapons. There is no reason a crappy Vanguard Auto Rifle should have a higher damage than any VoG weapon).
There are a few of the things off the top of my head. If you'll excuse me, I'm going to play some Destiny.
[spoiler]If you have ideas as well, don't be shy about posting them here. I'll read through and might post them on top. I will give you credit for that idea as well.
Also for all you fellow perfectionists, I implore you to go over my work and let me know of any and all grammatical errors.[/spoiler]
oddly enough I made a topic about improvements and it's deleted. Did a search there were only like four under "improvements and suggestion" You would think some more appropriate threads of constructive critism and ideas would be started. NOPE bunch of -blam!-jng noopes just bitching and whining in all caps. I'll rehash some of mine. •War room- weapons free area in tower with a few balls,goals,paintball styling or halo Ce •PvP material drops- nothings worse than nothing. Being a primary PvP in most games its a long slow and pointless in destiny for progression. Loot tables in game are big enough that if it included everything in pvp we would be getting nothing. •Raid/nightfall matchmaking- either like current strikes or a interactive msg board in tower in a mezz above arena prox Voip.(would be only 16 players per tower server,but better than nothing and lend it self to a bit of immersion of forming a team for whatever gametype.)