How bout this deal... When they fix the heavy ammo glitch that eats hours worth of glimmer then I might try legit... How the hell can you get penalized in a raid for wearing raid boots????? Those bastards are cheesing us!!!!
Lol I agree. I've lost so much heavy ammo cuz of that damn glitch
Edited by G Bullet: 12/18/2014 4:10:57 PMThanks for at least agreeing. I mean this game is ruining people lives from bad drops and glitches. If it was new content monthly like wow I could understand. I've already beaten new raid five times legit and would prefer to never have to repeat it again if im going to win the same things, or get crappy drops. Last crota... we were on crota and had him with one more round of damage twice and a team member got booted. For sure it was bungie everything was acting up. So instead of finishing him off so our sixth wouldn't get screwed we waited and did it again with him. Happened again. Turned a half hour crota boss run into three hours. None of it our fault, and actually our team commitment that made it that long. We are the ones getting screwed. Never anyone's fault for exploiting. Either release the game flawless or don't release it. But sure as hell can't complain about exploits, when they are getting over on us.