I'm pointing out the fact that you are part of the group of whiners who all worry about how others do things. If it's not done your way it's the wrong way. I have killed Crota legit and the mechanic glitches are bullshit. It's really great having to waste heavy ammo synths, jsut to have the sword disappear right away, or Crota to insta stand right as he falls. It's also really fun when Crota breaks his movement boundries and runs into the crystal room. There are so many problems with the encounters in here. Why waste hours in a raid when you can get the same effect in 30 minutes. If they fixed all the stupid shit that stops you from being able to legit kill the boss, I'm sure more people would do it the right way.
I agree with you that their content is glitchy as hell sometimes. The HM aetheon encounter was so buggy to the point that it was nearly unkillable sometimes for us. I really don't think people will still try to do it the legit way even if they somehow tried to fix it. Cheaters will be cheaters. There are people out there who love to find these things and think they are cool.
Yes they do get their jollies off when they find the glitches and such. However, I find it pretty impressive when people take the time and put in so much effort to find things like this. I mean come on, the amount of time and testing it takes for people to find these types of things is really something else. IDK if you played MMO's or not but this game relies very heavily on the fundamental building blocks of those types of games. Tons of player learn different strategies to kill different raid bosses, usually there isn't one set in stone way. While I'll admit that the freeze glitch on Crota is a glitch, it's something that the programmers and game testers should have figured out before hand. The expansion was already on the disk. They had from release until the expac release to find these issues and deal with them. Within a week the community was able to find and use these things, while the company who created and coded the game couldn't find these things. I think that using the games programming loopholes to beat something is pretty awesome. As long as you aren't using third party programs or actually hacking the code in a game, it isn't wrong. Now if this game had trading or an auction house type deal, then yes the glitching would run the game into the ground. However, with the economy being the way it is, people glitching bosses has no bearing on how other choose to play the game. Being 32 doesn't mean anything other then you reached the goal in a week and there is nothing left for you. That's the players issue now, not the company coming out with content.