It does. It really does. Deej. Little help, bud? Shared this over at as well.
Edit: Fixed the image as it stopped appearing for some reason.
Edit #2: Just to be clear. My forum name over on PlanetDestiny.Com is Mr. Badger. Had folks in-game referencing the sad kitten helmet and seeing it here so figured I would out myself a bit :P
Haha!!! I actually like it but that comparison is too good.
Is it weird that I find the sad look on the face of an armoured Titan absolutely horrifying? Seriously, something about it unnerves me...
LMFAOOOO that's actually funny
I expected it to look angry knights dont look that sad
check that face tho
Haha nice.
Lol hilarious
That is ugly as -blam!-! The warlock helm however mmmmmmm.
What has been seen can never be unseen... LMAO!!!!!
I'm so glad I'm still trying to get VoG gear. That stuff at least looked good. I'll grind for Vendor gear instead of becoming a sad kitten. This raid stuff doesn't look appealing.
Looks like downsyndrome
Oh damn it, I can't unsee it anymore ..
Awwwwww! Kitteh! *girlish squeal* Oh wait... Shoo, Titan. Shoo. PS: Day = made. :D
I would be sad too if y face was scrunched up like that.
Hahaha! Now I want it.. Lol
That smooshed face is actually a sign of down syndrome. That titan helmet looks like a kitten with down syndrome.
LMAO!!!, is that really what it looks like?
The hunter helmet looks way more stupid...
+1 and well played sir.
Whats been seen can't be unseen.
O my gawd I love you.
This is -blam!-ing glorious!!!
LOL omg! It's sad that raid gear is ugly. That's why I have multiple set of gear. Nice looking stuff for tower and random missions, ugly but better stat stuff for nightfall and raids.