If you were play testing. Would you have the fire team leader leave right in the middle of crota. Or have a sunsinger wait 4 seconds to res. I wouldnt
That exactly what play testers are supposed to do
No play testers are supposed to play through the game playing it how they would. If somone was to play test the raid i wouldnt have the fire team leader leave and potentially loose his chance at loot. And i wouldnt wait so long to activate res cause its a bad a idea.
No, play testers are meant to break the game so any issues can be fixed before people start paying for it
Yes i know that. But you have to understand play testers (And i would know ive done it) dont go so far out of what a player does. The leaving mid game thing? Yeah, If there was no cheese no one would do that for shits and gigs. You have to understand that the bug is so stupid it was found by accident.