I have done the strike for the "A light in the dark " exotic bounty 5 times and I still haven't seen a third drop shop. I made it to phogoth 3 times solo and twice with a partner. I did everything I was supposed to do once I got to phogoth. Don't kill phogoth and clear all minions until 3rd drop ship. For some reason the 3rd drop ship will not spawn even after waiting for an hour after killing the enemies ffrom the second drop ship . What am I doing wrong ? And no I did not kill the turret that spawns by the ceiling in the entrance.
I looked online for faqs to help with this bounty and I followed the instructions step by step and still no third drop ship . Most of the faqs were made in Oct and early November is it possible that bungle patched this bounty or am I doing something wrong ? Please help
Edit: looks like my problem is that I am not killing phogoth enough. I only gotten phogoth's health down to about 40 percent. I guess the older guides for this bounty is based on time not phogoths health. I will try this , thanks for the help.
It just requires patience and not killing Phogoth until the 3rd ship shows up. It took at least 20 minutes (if not more, i lost track) of being in the phogoth fight before that ship showed up, I feel like..