You're right. But shoot out a better idea or shut the -blam!- up about mine. It's MY opinion. And what the heck are you doing besides the raid than killing crota? Stupid argument is stupid...
I have another one: No loot if Crota is killed in only one kneeling phase. It's not possible without the glitch, so it won't affect others. So whiners like you and others with or without retarded internet connections are not affected at all.
You're the one who is whining and complaining about OTHER people using the exploits that Bungie should have fixed before the DLC came out.
How am I whining? I'm not whining because it doesn't affect me at all. But I'm also not defending any gamebreaking cheats, hacks, glitches, etc. If you cannot do it the right way, you don't deswrve any loot, kudos or whatever. That's MY opinion and I give a shit about yours or others. :)
You give a shit? That's nice.