Ever since the "hot fix" earlier today I haven't been able to play more than five minutes on any given planet. I tried a mission and was sent to orbit at least a half dozen times. I tried doing patrols I kill 3 ads and then am sent to orbit. I tried grinding the Iron Banner for 5 hours, 5 HOURS, and was lucky to get ?? matches in. I only earned 20 marks so it couldn't have many. "Contacting Destiny Servers" 4-5 times a match, waiting for revive for minutes on end. game is broken
Same as me, can't even finish my bounties. This is the first time I've had a major issue with the connection. I was playing with my friend and he wasn't getting the error codes. He has the digital copy and I have the physical. Do you have a physical copy? Just wondering if it's only happening to physical copies.