but its not like people in the north are smart.
liberalism is a mental disease
northern states limit ownership of firearms which if we were attacked and invaded those states would fall quickly because they do not have the firepower to withstand an attack. (even if the military was helping but they cant do much because we are too busy deploying our troops to foreign countries which is bullshit)
Right, because I'm times of trouble, we turn to untrained civilians with no cohesion, ROE, or any of that for protection. Really?
Aaaaaaaaaaaaaannnnndddddddd We know you are [i]really[/i] from the south.
you act like its an insult hahahaha liberal scrubs will be running to the south for our protection and resources if you are for gun control yet call the cops when someone is breaking into your house you are an idiot
Lololollololol Now you're equating liberal beliefs to an insult. Hypocrisy means nothing. The goal of gun control is to keep people from getting a gun, and shooting up a school or something. Background checks don't really help with that, as a crazy person could just go to someone they know has a gun, and take it. I'm all for recreational shooting, but the problem is that no amount of training, or trigger discipline, will stop a schizophrenic.