Seriously, what was the most gut-wrenching, soul-destroying post-game reward scenario you've been in?
[i]Today, I began a Roc Strike and the rest of my team left. It was the Winter's End strike, so I continued on solo.
I managed to get all the way to the Archon Priest, when two other Guardians joined me. I was happy, cuz I knew it would have been a grind otherwise. 3 minutes later, we kill him.
The reward screen comes up. One of them had 22 kills, and one had 9. I myself had 183 kills. AND WHAT DOES THE 9-ER GET? NO LAND BEYOND![/i]
What is your tale of woe? True story btw.
[b]EDIT[/b]: I didn't have plans to play with NLB, I just wanted it for my collection.
[b]EDIT 2[/b]: To all people who complain about having [i]multiple[/i] exotics, but not the one they want; two things: Get in line, and, Exotic Shards.
[b]EDIT 3[/b]: I bought NLB from Xur while he was here. Still a little miffed, but I feel better now.
I once did a nightfall straight after reset with 2 others, they got exotics and I got NOTHING NOTHING! ! It glitched out and I got no rewards.
My entire game
The entire crota raid on hard 3 shards all the way threw Vault of glass nothing but boots
hm crota dropping me 2 energy after we kicked his ass
13 weeks in a row I recieved a purple pulse rifle from doing a nightfall... the trend finally stopped last week
Edited by Raksis The Great: 5/7/2015 6:29:05 PMEVERYTIME I PLAY VOG ENERGIES AND SHARDS! NOT ONE WEAPON OR ARMOR. SHARDS AND ENERGIES!! At least I can get rid of these useless things when HoW drops.
Archon twice, both times I got engrams
Nightfall, got a legendary engram, that soiled adult nappy of a cryptarch gave me 2 energy...
This was a few months ago before some patches had been released but I finished a Nightfall with something like 6 Strange Coins. It wasn't even the full 9 from a Weekly Strike.
The last three Nightfalls I did dropped strange coins, so I dropped Destiny
These past two week's Nightfall. I did a Crota raid once and got nothing but energies. Didn't really bother me though
doing roc and didnt have mida and i had 183 kills and this guy had 7 (he just joined right befire we killed sepiks) and got mida luckily i got mida the next game
Isnt that good that the 9er got NLB? Its the worst sniper imo
Helped carry a level 28 friend of mine through NF an he died 5-6 times and I died once(thankfully not at the same time). Anyways and after we dropped archon he gets gally and I get the armant. For the Titan which I already have and maxed out. This was 4 this week. Also my drops for the past 6wks have been an exotic armor piece that I'll never use or a legendary auto/pulse rifle
Trying to get to 32 with Crota gear and I only have 1 more Crota run I can do before my PSN runs out. I needed 28 shards, and shards are not especially uncommon considering any time I needed something BESIDES them before I'd get a ton. But on this last run I didn't even get enough for one upgrade at all. Still 31...
Edited by Jetstream Cheems: 5/7/2015 1:51:48 PMSpent two hours at Crota HM thanks to constant bugs. When the dick finally dropped, 2 shards and energy Or perhaps Atheon HM while I was on the hunt for Mythoclast. Had already gone through two runs without it dropping for me (the first time two of my friends had it drop). After 30 minutes of fighting atheon, the Rando we had in our group asked, "What the hell is this vex Mythology?" Is it any good?" Broke my guardian's heart
2 back-to-back crota runs where i just got shards and energy.
Got 2 more jellyhorns this week in nightfalls ... more exotic shards oh fun
I know I don't have alot of time in (comparatively to most people on this board ~160 hours between three characters), but I have NOT gotten an exotic drop or one from a legendary engram from ANY activities (granted I haven't completed a raid yet). ALL of the exotics I have were bought from Xur. But it's still frustrating when I get shards or strange coins from Nightfalls while my fireteam members get Exotics all the time. RNG is NOT my friend.
Got an uncommon from a legendary. True story. (When it was possible)
VoG experience last week. Opening the door, P revenge. Templar, revenge again. Exotic chest, shards. Gate keeper, take a wild guess. Atheon, vex! No just kidding, another sniper. I had three to start with and got another the week before this.
I ran Vog, got to the chest, and pulled Suros and hardlight from two characters. The unlucky part was that I just got them from Crota and atheon a few hours ago ._.
So many raid cps run with just shards and energies... One time, 4 guys got fatebringer, one fuy got found verdict, and I got...shards. I still don't have either fatebringer or found verdict.
VOG Hard ALL SHARDS AND ENERGY... NIghtfall Also gave me Energy... but at least i can always count on the 9 strange coins from the weekly.
After getting about 10-15 truth rocket launchers 5 dragon's breath, 5-10 thunderlords, I ran this week's nightfalls first payback sos -energyes second one my first gallahorn, third one crusader 1, ran vog got thunderlord again from chest,hawkmoon, plan c on my 3 characters, ran crota got crux and 4th horseman :-) overall a very good day full of exotics and legendarys lol
Spends 3 hours on phogoth nightfall Kills phogoth Gets legendary Decrypts Game crashes at decryption Comes back on Legendary is gone Nothing is gained No shards or energies, no weapons I cry.