Seriously, what was the most gut-wrenching, soul-destroying post-game reward scenario you've been in?
[i]Today, I began a Roc Strike and the rest of my team left. It was the Winter's End strike, so I continued on solo.
I managed to get all the way to the Archon Priest, when two other Guardians joined me. I was happy, cuz I knew it would have been a grind otherwise. 3 minutes later, we kill him.
The reward screen comes up. One of them had 22 kills, and one had 9. I myself had 183 kills. AND WHAT DOES THE 9-ER GET? NO LAND BEYOND![/i]
What is your tale of woe? True story btw.
[b]EDIT[/b]: I didn't have plans to play with NLB, I just wanted it for my collection.
[b]EDIT 2[/b]: To all people who complain about having [i]multiple[/i] exotics, but not the one they want; two things: Get in line, and, Exotic Shards.
[b]EDIT 3[/b]: I bought NLB from Xur while he was here. Still a little miffed, but I feel better now.
Ever since the first engram/cryptarch patch my drops have been complete shit. Blues are always horrible, the purps I rarely see are never an item. I've also yet to see a purple engram drop since then. And I've gotten just a couple since that patch. So, all my drops are shitty thanks to that one very first engram/cyptarch patch. Before that I actually had some good luck.
In one week nightfall gave me 6 energy, a legendary pulse rifle, and final roll!!...5 coins. Bad week.
Kill crota on my titan this week only got energys shader and the emblem
Me : legendary hand cannon Mate 1 : gjhallahorn 2.0 Mate 2 : hard light 2.0 Last week, me : legendary engram ( 2 shards) Mate 1 : gjhallahorn 2.0 What have I done to deserve this ? Lol
Nightfall: Me: 8 Shards Friend 1: Sunbreakers 2.0 Friend 2: Truth 2.0
I got two ascendent materials from nightfall. Oh well maybe my fortunes will be better next week.
Ran the raid 3 runs this week. Got a total of 7 radiant shards for killing Crota...not a single raid weapon
350hrs played and never gotten an exotic from a strike, crucible, or legendary engram.
8 strange coins in omnigul nightfall and then 5 coins this weeks nightfall...but I did get the mytho on my first vog hard run so it's not always bad but that was my first rng exotic since I've had the game about a week after it came out
Omnigul nightfall some1 get v2 g horn other an exotic armor and me? Crypt dweller :.( hurts to this day
Had a guy join AFTER I solo'd the archon priest and he gets hard light 2.0 .-.
I got 3 radiant shards from me killing Crota my second time
Seven ascendent shard from omnigul nightfall, while my friend got no land beyond
Edited by Atheonzen: 12/22/2014 12:59:41 AM
When I turned in my purples to rahool... And got a green.
I carried my lvl 27 friend through the omnigul nightfall last week after I've already done it and got 7 strange coins and do you know what he got? GJALLARHORN! He did absolutely nothing while I was helping him through too
5 coins on nightfall.
5 coins lol :/
Earlier this week friends and I ran the Nightfall 3 times, and I got: Vanguard Shotty Vanguard Shotty 7 Strange Coins I'm not a shotgun user at all, and Strange Coins as a reward is one thing, but fewer than the Weekly awards? Oh, the butthurt! My fireteam partners each got Hard Light. Water off a duck's back. I'll try again next week.
Edited by CheLime: 12/22/2014 1:16:34 AMI sped run through atheon on normal so i could have an increased chance of getting the mythoclast. When i go on destinylfg to find a group to do hard mode a lvl 28 asked for a push and i said sure why not (he had the checkpoint and he never ran hard mode before). After we kill atheon i get a helmet, shards and another ship and you know what he got? A mythoclast, a suros regime and a timebreaker.
6 coins for soloing the nightfall... I mean I'm ok with coins, but 6???
The fact that three of my friends have gotten Universal Remotes in the Nightfall in the last two Nightfalls.
I got patience and time from crucible after buying it
Most of my gaming experience here. My luck is so bad....
Roc strike. AFKer gets Hawkmoon. Nightfall duo run. I get coins, friend gets coins, random guy from his friend list that joined when Phogoth was at 5% gets Icebreaker. Roc strike. I get 2 class engrams. One gets a Legendary ship and a Legendary primary engram, the other gets G-horn.
i just did it twice 1st: Legendary Auto Rifle 2nd: Hawkmoon The first was terrible!! LOL!!!