Seriously, what was the most gut-wrenching, soul-destroying post-game reward scenario you've been in?
[i]Today, I began a Roc Strike and the rest of my team left. It was the Winter's End strike, so I continued on solo.
I managed to get all the way to the Archon Priest, when two other Guardians joined me. I was happy, cuz I knew it would have been a grind otherwise. 3 minutes later, we kill him.
The reward screen comes up. One of them had 22 kills, and one had 9. I myself had 183 kills. AND WHAT DOES THE 9-ER GET? NO LAND BEYOND![/i]
What is your tale of woe? True story btw.
[b]EDIT[/b]: I didn't have plans to play with NLB, I just wanted it for my collection.
[b]EDIT 2[/b]: To all people who complain about having [i]multiple[/i] exotics, but not the one they want; two things: Get in line, and, Exotic Shards.
[b]EDIT 3[/b]: I bought NLB from Xur while he was here. Still a little miffed, but I feel better now.
3 of my last 5 Cryptach packages have been Legendary chest engrams. All 3 turned into 2 Ascendant Energy... What? How? Why?
Just dismantled my fully upgraded Raid gloves. It was an accident. 5 am and half asleep. There needs to be a system to prevent mistakes like this. FML.
It's not just a single one bout one week for nightfalls using my 3 characters I got shards, energy and strange coins. Kind of lame for nightfalls.
I got 9 coins in a nightfall and nothing else
2 energy from crota
Every freaking nightfall I've gotten heavy weapon engrams. Every time.
Legendary engrams turning to blues... If you havnt been playing since te beginning your lucky.
4 shards from nightfall....
DONT STRESS IT! No Land Beyond is a piece of CRRAAAPPPP! Its so bad dude, dont even worry.
Helping some friends through the VoG last night and got a second Ghorn, I wish anyone but me would have got it.
Edited by Cardinal Erebus: 12/20/2014 2:06:18 PM2 nightfalls in a row i obtain only legendary engrams and they decrypt to 2 ascendant materials and 2 strange coins.
Took a friend through VoG week 1 and he got 3 raid pieces and a exotic helm for his hunter. Me..... I got shards
crota... 3 energy
Played the roc strike no less than 50 missions ... Haven't even had a legendary
crota him self 2 shards
Beat Crota. Was the only one to get absolutely NOTHING for it. No shards, no energy, no shader, nothing. And it says I've gotten the reward for it on the app.
Actually I feel that you should be proud that u didn't get No Land Beyond. Its the most useless weapon in the game and the worst.
Beat Hard mode Atheon received 3 warlock helms at the same time. Still never received Vex. Opened chest in hard mode VOG received a Green lvl 18 hand cannon
Edited by VyersReaver: 12/20/2014 1:33:46 PMMy tale is as simple as boot: Three Black Hammers, Two Songs of Ir Yut.
Easy Every single Nightfall NO Exotics No legendarys Only coins For 8 weeks running
A while back when I got ascendant shards and a legendary shotgun during the nightfall
Me and two other friends did the nexus nightfall, solar burn was on so they hid in a corner, and me being an gunslinger did the deed of killing him singlehandedly. Low and behold I get 6 ascendance shards and my other friend gets thunderlord. thanks bungie
When i got ascendant shard/energy from a legendary engram this happens to me alot
NLB is meh by the way. Doing NF and getting 4 strange coins. The Omnigul NF the first time before knowing how to do it. I was agitated to say the least.
Welcome to my damn loot, it's been 6 weeks now that I haven't receive an exotic except from Xur.
only shards from crota on ever character this week