Seriously, what was the most gut-wrenching, soul-destroying post-game reward scenario you've been in?
[i]Today, I began a Roc Strike and the rest of my team left. It was the Winter's End strike, so I continued on solo.
I managed to get all the way to the Archon Priest, when two other Guardians joined me. I was happy, cuz I knew it would have been a grind otherwise. 3 minutes later, we kill him.
The reward screen comes up. One of them had 22 kills, and one had 9. I myself had 183 kills. AND WHAT DOES THE 9-ER GET? NO LAND BEYOND![/i]
What is your tale of woe? True story btw.
[b]EDIT[/b]: I didn't have plans to play with NLB, I just wanted it for my collection.
[b]EDIT 2[/b]: To all people who complain about having [i]multiple[/i] exotics, but not the one they want; two things: Get in line, and, Exotic Shards.
[b]EDIT 3[/b]: I bought NLB from Xur while he was here. Still a little miffed, but I feel better now.
Badger CCL two nightfalls in a row. [spoiler]bungie made up for it with a Ghorn 2.0 on the next one[/spoiler]
Getting all radiant energies from the new raid and nothing else. :(
Nightfalls actually this weeks. Got a vangaurd pulse rifle then the devil you dont. Pretty dissapointing
Buddies got hardlight, and thunderlord I got 5 strange coins
From a week of nightfalls: two doctor nopes and strange coins.
Probly the 100 gjallerhorns dropped around me while I still can't get one
Went through winter's run strike tiger solo. Had a guy join for the last quarter of the fight and get a monte carlo.
I got 1 strange coin from the nightfall.
Nightfall. Got 6 coins. Other guys got 11 coins each. Salty.
I got the truth 3 times in one day. One from nightfall and two from VOG
From what I hear it saved you some headache. That sucks though. I've been on the other end of that too. Definitely feels cheap.
Mr 5 coins suck my Duck
I joined a Crucible Control match that already started (The very end, I joined during the scoreboard) I of course had 0KD and I got a Legendary Helmet Engram and my teammates got nothing
Did two nightfalls in a row. Pulled a No Land Beyond each time. Trust me when I say that it is SO BAD. I only use now for comedic affect and to spite RNGesus
Well, I ran the new raid with my hunter and got nothing but radiant energy for every chests and drop.
Strike mission, Archon Priest. (A month ago.) Reward screen comes up. And.... Thunderlord. :l I don't got time for that gun.
The whole bloody game. I miss Borderlands :(
Ran last week's Nightfall and this week's back to back. My reward was the two 331 Legendaries I already had!?! I've received my share of great drops over all so I won't complain.
My buddy was soloing nightfall and my other buddy and I joined in at phog when his health was halfway, we both got exotics and all he got was a legendary engram. Hahhaa hhaa ha it was epic!
A legendary engram from the nightfall 3 times in a week. Each one became shards. Tho wouldn't have been a problem except you can get more shards in one drop compadres to the 6 for my 3 nightfall rewards.
It's almost as the same as yours. I was playing a roc strike and my team left because they were invited to do the raid. I continued till the end ( the strike was the dust palace) and almost killed 3 psion flayers and suddenly two guys join and the both kill 2 cabals and one of them get an universal remote.
My first game of crucible. I got no kills. Was level 5. Came in dead last[spoiler]i got icebreaker[/spoiler]
A shit gun for a shit player
My worst loot experience so far is this husk auto rifle. I have tried at least 60 times and nothing. A friend joins my game and as soon as I kill the blade he gets a second one and I still haven't gotten it yet.
Edited by BLAIED: 12/20/2014 2:24:49 AMRan the nightfall. One guy got ghorn 2.0 other got tlw 2.0 i got 5 coins. And just to be clear, i was there the whole time and had 100+ kills. I almost threw my controler through my tv.
crota after hot fix... 3 chars , 6 lousy energies(2 each- definetlu needs to be fixed , must be at least 4 if u dont get an item)