Seriously, what was the most gut-wrenching, soul-destroying post-game reward scenario you've been in?
[i]Today, I began a Roc Strike and the rest of my team left. It was the Winter's End strike, so I continued on solo.
I managed to get all the way to the Archon Priest, when two other Guardians joined me. I was happy, cuz I knew it would have been a grind otherwise. 3 minutes later, we kill him.
The reward screen comes up. One of them had 22 kills, and one had 9. I myself had 183 kills. AND WHAT DOES THE 9-ER GET? NO LAND BEYOND![/i]
What is your tale of woe? True story btw.
[b]EDIT[/b]: I didn't have plans to play with NLB, I just wanted it for my collection.
[b]EDIT 2[/b]: To all people who complain about having [i]multiple[/i] exotics, but not the one they want; two things: Get in line, and, Exotic Shards.
[b]EDIT 3[/b]: I bought NLB from Xur while he was here. Still a little miffed, but I feel better now.
Ran Crota's End with the most awesome group ever! It only took us like 30 minutes or so it felt. I got Radiant Shards from every single chest and drop point. Now, I do need them but I was hoping for more. I don't think drops should be a piece or materials but a mix of both at the same time.
5 coins from nightfall. By the way, no land beyond is actually the worst exotic weapon, so the joke's on him because your nothing was actually better.
Did VOG, got chatterwhite.
5 Spin metal and 1 leg. Rpg Omnigul nightfall
I got the Prudence II from nightfalls 4 consecutive times
The legendary engram from nightfall that turns into 2 materials is always a punch in the gut.
Besides the random luck of those undeserving in things like the crucible and nightfalls. Crota. 2 radiant energies. Nothing more. Nothing less. 2 hours of Crota for 2 radiant energies. 0_o
Finish a nightfall to see your reward was a legendary engram, then that engram turns into 2 ascendent shards.
got 2 shards from Crota
During the new corta strike on earth i saw my one teammate get suros, the other got a legendary engram, and me i got 2 blue engrams.
Every time I get something
Every nightfall on all 3 characters for the past two months
Nightfall. Got a Legendary Pulse Rifle that was garbage and turned it into 2 shards. Runner-up was 5 strange coins from a Nightfall.
5 coins from nightfall. Full raids of materials only
Any amount of shards and chatterwhite. #-blam!-youvaultofglass
I was doing crucible, got best around and the bottom of the team got a .29 and a suros, also last week raid I did all but atheon and opened almost all the chests and got ascendent matts. Not even going on about valus CRYPTuarc
Did raid for first time VOG. with experience players. Everybody saying you're gonna get something sweet! Beat the boss, everybody starts laughing . I was was like what's so funny? chatterwhite. joke was on me. that's all I got for the first couple raids I did
Got legendary scout rifles from the nightfall 12 times in a row
Nightfall 1: shitty pulse rifle with over 200 kills and the guy with 50 kills and 12 deaths got that new sniper Nightfall 2: everyone in the group got energies. That was this week
Beat VOG on hard for the first time and I got a ship. YaYYYYYYY. A new loading screen.
Atheon hard mode - sparrow & ship with shards....
I was in a crucible game (last iron banner) and the guy at the bottom (0.13 kd) got PATIENCE AND TIME
Worst loot experience? Three skull forts in a row from exotic helm engrams. They are less than useless to me.
I've gotten 5 strange coins from my last 2 night falls
Defeated crota twice this week and end game reward both times.. 2 shards... That's it 2 shards :/
Buying Ice breaker instead of praxis fire only to have another ice breaker drop on tiger strike next day