so here's some feedback Bungie. ive been here since Beta and since launch and every single week this forum does the exact same thing.
Tuesday happens, you guys do not put out a patch or patch notes on time or at all like you are supposed to and the forums go off about about how lazy you are, nightfall rewards cry babies come out because rng gave them less rewards than the damn heroic. then last week you patched after people completed reset strikes and raids to better loot drops yeah good move there, then the rest of the week happens where your guns get picked apart and your raid rng gets torn up along with how many glitches are plagueing your raid(s). that lasts from tuesday to friday then holy shit friday, every. single. friday. xur pppratts into the market like a wet fart and fails miserably and your forums explode with what seems like nonsense but actually you muther -blam!-ers are the ones on some nonsense cause xur is a broken idiot. then Sunday happens and new people don't understand why the weekend vendor is gone because IT'S STILL THE WEEKEND. maybe you should bring him in leave him till sunday and reset his stock mid day saturday or something since he only gives out garbage anyways I dont see how you could saturate your exotic market any more than you already have so -blam!- it why not?
since launch you guys promised weekly updates (tuesdays) and have failed in that regard, weekly articles (now know as thupdates) and have failed in this as well, you very recently shat your first DLC in our mouths and immediatley cut off communications with your community? where the -blam!- are you guys there are still people here, angry confused maybe hoping alittle but still h.e.r.e. and you pussies are no where to be seen.
wheres our updates? our thupdates? our crucible challenges? our "we're listening, here's what we're working on." where's Deej's snarky high horse ass at? that guy won't save you from us let me tell you but at least show face.
sorry for the wall o text (and terrible grammar, I'm on my phone) but what's the point in being a dedicated fan if the company you're dedicated to isn't dedicated to you because they're too afraid of their own mistakes. remember splash damage? ever play Brink? nuff said there.
own up
good points. agreed. i just want ARs back to what they were b4 all the pvp cry babies ruined them.