Compared to the symbolite,the Arachnid is pretty lackluster,which is a shame because it's one of the better looking helmets available. Zooming in farther? Really? If you had to choose between a forth golden gun shot or zooming in farther while aiming the golden gun ,its pretty obvious what people are gonna choose.
I suggest replacing it with a perk i came up with:
Critical spot Locator:
Your Golden gun now deals precision damage.
When you activate the golden gun, the little eyes scan the enemies in front of you and highlights their critical points. Hitting them in the areas highlighted deals considerable precision damage. This would make dealing with tough enemies during raids and strikes much more easier,thus making the helmet more useful.
Plus im surprised that a helmet called the Arachnid doesn't have some form of radar perk also.
Like Radar stays on while aiming your current equipped weapon or while aiming down the golden gun.
Well i hope you listen Bungie, this upgrade will make the helmet worth wearing.
The symbiote makes it look like someone's thrown shite at your face