Okay, here's what I always point out in threads like this;
Random is random. More often than not, I see the legendaries and exotics go to the midrange players than the bottom rung. Every player who participated rolled the same die with the same modifiers, and some people just get lucky.
Now, you will find people here with similar stories and "evidence," but this doesn't signify a trend. It's because people who are upset by it are looking for validation, and thus, looking for threads like this one. The people who aren't upset by this, or don't have it happen to them to begin with, don't. They don't say anything, they don't post anything, hell, they probably see the thread and pass right over it. In fact, it's probably a safe bet to say that ANY trend that shows up in the forums is the vocal minority.
You shouldn't be relying on RNG for gear anyway. Anything the "activity rewards" screen says you won should be considered a bonus at best. Your main goal in the crucible should be grinding rep and marks to get legendary gear that way.
Now for exotics, it's a slightly different story, because every single exotic is subject to RNG in some form or another (xurs inventory, raid chests, standard drops, legendary engrams, wether you get an exotic bounty or not). That's by design; they're supposed to be harder to get to offset the bonuses they come with. So you can aim for some, but really, it's up to the game what's available to you in regards to exotics.
I hope this quelled some arguments. Knowing these forums, though, it likely incited more. So I guess we'll see how this goes?
You should go to Bungie headquarter knock on the front door and tell them that all of the psychologist sociologists Engineers, Writers that they are all stupid and they do not know what it takes to keep people playing a video game. This is not call of duty. That's why everybody is still playing, when some people have barely takin outta the package
but my psychic told me....
I've actually gotten a couple of exotics and legendary items from crucible. The game I got Gjallarhorn I did extremely well. Same for when I got my Demise.
I know this post is from a while ago but I simply have to point out that I for one have NEVER seen a top player receive a legendary reward, let alone an exotic. On the other hand, many times i have seen a terrible player with a k/d below 0.5 receive a legendary reward and a few times, an exotic reward. Everyone i have ever spoken to also has this same experience with the rewards in crucible. That by itself shows that the crucible reward system is not random and that the lower players have a higher chance of receiving a reward than those at the top of the scoreboard.
I got my first suros from being mvp, happy?
So several isolated incidents mean that it's a trend? You and "everyone you've spoken to" see it one way, and then it's concrete fact? I repeat; there are millions of instances of crucible matches every DAY. You do NOT know how they all end based on your couple of hundreds of rounds' experience, and your friends as well. I [i]have[/i] seen legendaries and exotics go to top players. I've also seen legendaries and exotics go to bottom players. They are random bonuses, not meant to be ground out. Grind for legendary gear from marks and rep, that's the one way you can guarantee gear and weapons from doing the crucible.
Have you ever heard of outliers in a data set? Fact is most rewards go to low players. You can't dispute that.
You can't call it a fact because you don't know for sure. That's what I'm disputing; the fact that the vocal minority comes here to complain does NOT mean that is the way the game is designed. I know what outliers are, but I believe that we're not seeing the whole picture and using our incomplete data to assume; because, unless you are a designer or developer for Bungie, and know exactly what goes into the bonus reward system, you CANNOT claim that you know FOR CERTAIN how the RNG system works. You can't, I can't, nobody can. All [i]I[/i] can do, and I'll I'm trying to do here, is use my experiences, and my history of playing around with RNG loot system based games, and applying it to Destiny, as a counter argument to "bungie always give best drops to worst players." I stand that any "data" we find here on the forums is the vocal, yet angry, minority, and that a true RNG system wouldn't run that way.
Well said
Thank you. I was sick and tired at 3 in the morning, surprised I could be this eloquent.