Seeing as Baconshelf fled to Septagon I am now the most active (and oldest) member who has had this avatar the longest, therefore I will ask that all impostors please change their avatars or else they will be sneered at by the Alpha (me).
Lieing fgt
No, you're not doing it right. [spoiler]Imposter![/spoiler]
My confused is brain...
It's not longface. Longface tag is missing
For a moment, I was thinking "I don't remember posting this." . I have been sucessfully trolled. Congrats.
Gr8 b8 m8 I r8 8/8
Edited by o_____________o: 12/19/2014 6:09:58 PMAnyway, you should definitely post this in the Destiny forum. The confusion would be quite amusing.
Fake and ghey
you are fake
Trying to incriminate Longface? Too bad we can see your account stats! Now we know you're an imposter.
Hm, he left?
Please take this to #destiny.[spoiler]the replies would be priceless [/spoiler]
Nice tags.
Edited by Ktan_Dantaktee: 12/19/2014 6:02:18 PMUnless of course [b][i]I[/i][/b] take that avatar. JK, BlackSeptagon4Life
Edited by Grifball: 12/19/2014 5:27:29 PMThat's like me claiming, well, me, only one-up I have is that I made myself a Santa hat [spoiler]Don't worry, I read the tags[/spoiler]
*Hurts you*
Have fun convincing 200,000 people in #Destiny, #Recruitment, etc. to find a new avatar.
Translation of thread: "Hi guys, I'm 14 years old. "
you wat m8