PSN: Shorttimegi
Where: Everywhere
Happens roughly every 5-6 minutes. Problems only started one to two days ago.
NAT is open, PS4 is wired with PS4 reading 43 mbps download and 2.5 upload. Even your webpage is slow to respond.
Any help?
EDIT: If Bungie finally fixes this, anyone feel free to add me PSN: Shorttimegi
Since most of us are all in the same time zone +/- 1 hour.
EDIT 2: reddit post:
EDIT 3: 166 users (just from the top 3 trending post) have reported complaints just on these forums, not to mention the reddit forums. And also not to mention the countless others who do not post,comment, or even know Destiny has a dedicated forum. Are there any plans or hot fixes (aka We'll make it where you can't play) in the very near future? If I read DeeJ's post correctly, sounds like you guys are taking off for the holidays. If that's true how many players are you going to lose to this mess? Come on! It's your responsibility to provide a functional service to your customers. Get on the ball!
xbox one same all 5-6 minutes