Titans have more health than the other classes. Im sorry i spoke in a generalization and you weren't able to correct the dots.
Thats wrong. Its another general misconception. In basic PvP all armor and health is even. In IB armor from gear matters, not the bars. Its ok, almost everyone is wrong about Titans half the time. They dont play them, even opting to play mutiple Hunters/Warlocks instead of them lol. Our Armor boost only effects PvE.
Your passive aggressiveness annoys me. How does a generalization equate to a titan being over-armored in crucible? Besides IB, all armor and weapon are balanced in crucible. You were wrong and didn't like being called out. Oh and by the way [quote]Im sorry i spoke in a generalization and you weren't able to correct the dots.[/quote] It's *connect the dots* numbnuts
Titans have more health RETARD. There, now its not passive, happy? Health = tanking more shots = over armored. You're a -blam!-ing idiot who doesn't know how the game works. You're probably terrible at the game as well and get you ass handed to you every time you match make. Go hide in your bubble ground pounder instead of elevating your douche bag status by spell checking forums like an a$sclown.
You play a hunter... You can go invisible and have blink... You really want to talk about handicaps? I bet you smell like feces IRL
I play a hunter with gunslinger, so i use my gun in an fps. I'll bet you ARE feces IRL. #titansALWAYSbutthurt
This has already been investigated. Titan armor boost is less then a single AR bullet. No PvP Titan maxes Armor skill. Unless they like to die a PvP Titan switches his skills to Agility.
I run full armor stats...am I bad? 😔 Lol I honestly don't notice a thing.
I honestly dont notice anything eithier... Warlocks still recover faster then us and Hunters move twice as fast... We cant win lol
Yeah man that warlock life drain is ughh.... lol Idk about Hunters speed, everyone moves at just about the same speed. Havnt seen one hunter outrun my freight train titan yet tho 😉 lol
Someone actually did the research for this, if you have a Titan with max armor and low recovery/ agility you take like 2 more Atheons epilogue body shots. So tell me how that's overpowered? 22 damage too strong for you?
He has 2 Hunters and a Warlock and wants to start calling classes noob or Easy lol Completely wrong about how the PvP works.
I had a lvl 30 titan and deleted it. I annihilated anytime i used it and never died. The only problem was titan = zero fun and i'll be deleting my warlock eventually too. Rez is for pussies.
Shots fired... damn