Hey guys! I decided to start a thread and see what everyone's worst moment was when dealing with RNG?
[b]Mine:[/b] Spent half an hour farming glimmer that i needed to upgrade my Heart of the Praxic Fire to 2.0. Then broke down a Patience and Time to get an exotic shard, and i bought the upgrade. Then went and immediately did the nightfall, and what do you think my roll was at the end? Heart of the Praxic Fire 2.0..........
[b]What's your worst RNG moment?[/b]
[b]Also check out:[/b]
[url=http://www.bungie.net/en/Forum/Post/89360321/0/0]"Your best RNG moment?"[/url]
Edit: Looks like we've hit 1,000+ replies! I don't know if that's a good thing or a depressingly sad thing that we've all had such terrible luck. Lol either way, keep em comin' guys!
Edit: Wow! 2,000+ replies! Judging from the number of replies to my thread about your "best RNG moment," i'd say we all have more bad luck than good with this game. Lol
After buying truth 2.0 2 weeks ago I got 2 of them consecutively
Last week soloed the nightfall with my warlock to receive strange coins. No biggie it happens. Soloed with my hunter again more strange coins. All out with my Titan and 2 friends. They both got exotics and for the third time beating the nightfall I got, you guessed it, more strange coins. But it's okay I'll buy what I'm sure is an awesome gun from Xur this weekend...
Out of all the VoG runs I've done, I've gotten nothing but lone Chatterwhite from Atheon.
Last week when they had the 9000 xp bounty, for some reason I wasn't on top of it and died like 5 times... Each time I was between 7800 and 8800 to finish the bounty. Lmao
Every hourly meet up with my good ol' buddy Rahool.
All this week. 2 Crota kills for 4 Radiant Energy. 2 Nightfalls for 2 throwaway Legendary Weapons (6 Ascendant Energy).
2 shards from crota.
Shards or energy from Nightfalls.
Five Strange Coins from this week's Nightfall.
Back in the day, a time when bad juju was in everyone's vault, there was a cave. This cave was not like the others. For one day a guardian named FloralDuchess curiously watched a group of fellow guardians shoot into a unremarkable cave. FloralDuchess being a lonely lvl 20 thought "why not join, there are lvl26s doing it!" So for next two hours spent tirelessly shooting into a cave in hopes to fit in. In the final moments of the night it happened, one, single, lonely purple engram laid in front of the now sleepy but excited FloralDuchess. It 'twas the first purple and filled with excitement headed to the tower. FloralDuchess then handed Master Rahool a single purple primary weapon engram with shaky hands. Master Rahool, with a smirk handed poor FloralDuchess a Blue auto. Floral's smile turned into a frown and with a jump fell to the last cities streets below, painting ground with blue. 10/10 will never forget....
Did the nightfall for the last 3 weeks and only have been getting crappy legends. I also did them on my second and still just legends.
Every week I do atheon and don't get mytho. 9 weeks strong
Did the nightfall recently and the other two in my group got some coins and shards. I got a primary weapon legendary engram and was immediately jealous of the other two because I like having coins for choice and need shards to upgrade gear. I knew I'd be getting energy for the damn purple ball. Sure as shit, I turn in the engram and get two energy...not even a weapon to dismantle just two straight energy. At least I have the xp buff so it's not a complete waste...that and this nightfall is super quick to get through.
Buying patience and time from xur, then getting it as a drop immediately after. Or needing one strange coin to get the last word, and 7 minutes after xur leaves for the week I got 3 in a row from engrams.
Doing Nightfall and getting 12 energy shards while the two others get exotic guns
Everyday is my worst RNG experience.
Winning in crucible by nearly 5000 over the other team I think. Not a single person got a reward
Everyday is my worse rng moment. Every. Single. Day.
3 characters. 3 nightfalls. 15 strange coins.
Nightfalls 8weeks of Nightfall 8weeks Strange Coins Nightfall needs deleting permanently for me all that hassle for fuk all reward. If I wanted to completely waste my time I'd go raiding
I was lvl 29, playing with another lvl 29, and a lvl 25 doing the nightfall. This was long before the expansion. The lvl 25 was instructed to always stay behind as to not get in the way. Forget what the final tally was, but me and the other 29 had all the kills and we were rewarded with just your run of the mill drops...nothing special. The lvl 25 on the other hand got the last word for all of his four or five kills. I'm not usually the type to have hard feelings for random drops, but that one stung a little.
I've bought a weapon from Xur and then got the same weapon out of a Strike. Once it was The Last Word. Then again with the MIDA Multi Tool. And later I got a Legendary Engram which decoded into a third MIDA. I've also got Exotic armor from a Nightfall that I already had from Xur.
All I want is a black hammer......... I currently have gotten 2 hunger of crotas, and 3 swordbreakers
Edited by smahbleh: 12/26/2014 10:10:17 PMThree weeks in a row for nightfall between my two characters (6 runs), all energy and 3 of the same exact gun. Ended up being about 17 ascendant energy I believe. Followed by me sharding the gun and getting another 9 energy. Yay 26 ascendant energies...
Worst person in my clan who dies all the time gets the vex... Meanwhile I get 2 ships and chatter white
Edited by Morris-22D: 12/26/2014 10:08:17 PMNightfall twice in a row got doctor nope equivalent gun twice in a row. Players with me got hawkmoon & thunderlord...