Hey guys! I decided to start a thread and see what everyone's worst moment was when dealing with RNG?
[b]Mine:[/b] Spent half an hour farming glimmer that i needed to upgrade my Heart of the Praxic Fire to 2.0. Then broke down a Patience and Time to get an exotic shard, and i bought the upgrade. Then went and immediately did the nightfall, and what do you think my roll was at the end? Heart of the Praxic Fire 2.0..........
[b]What's your worst RNG moment?[/b]
[b]Also check out:[/b]
[url=http://www.bungie.net/en/Forum/Post/89360321/0/0]"Your best RNG moment?"[/url]
Edit: Looks like we've hit 1,000+ replies! I don't know if that's a good thing or a depressingly sad thing that we've all had such terrible luck. Lol either way, keep em comin' guys!
Edit: Wow! 2,000+ replies! Judging from the number of replies to my thread about your "best RNG moment," i'd say we all have more bad luck than good with this game. Lol
Upgraded achlyophage symbiote last Friday from xur, got it again from exotic engram same day. Got another one from nightfall yesterday. Each time it had [i]just[/i] enough discipline to justify maxing it it out over the previous one. I'm talking like an extra 5 discipline
Last week rift before I did the nightfall I upgraded my suros from xur. Then I did the nightfall and got suros 2.0. I broke one down and got my shard back but basically pissed away 7k glimmer.
127 VoG completions No Vex, No Visions, No timepeace. ;)
So I get a legendary Special engram right? I think to myself, boy I hope I get anything but a Solar sniper.Since the Black Hammer is a solar sniper, any one I get now is just gonna get replaced by it when I get it. Guess what I get? Solar Longbow. Fast forward a few days, I have a Legendary Heavy and a Special. I say to myself, I hope I dont get ANOTHER solar sniper.I also hope I get a Machine gun from this, I need a 331.It would suck if I got another Valedictorian. Guess what I get? Solar LDR, Solar Valedictorian.I already have Hunger of Crota, so this is worthless. Fast forward again, I get another legendary special engram...Guess what was inside? A second Solar Longbow. I love this game but god damn it pisses me the -blam!- off sometimes lol.
Pulling Icebreaker from the exotic chest in Vault of Glass, right after jokingly calling it the "Icebreaker chest" in front of a guy who has been wanting that rifle since day one.
Why not best moment, like Vex Mythoclast on the first and only time I completed it on hard.
Atheon, only getting shards+energies.
Atheon Hard 2 months ago. Were killing atheon some guy joins and asks what the vault of glass is and get the vex..... Yes i may have slaughtered the next 10 human beings that i saw.
First couple weeks the game is out. I'm a twenty .. Titan... Finally! Looking for legendary gear that's impossible to find... Finally engram! Chest! Sweet!! OMG... EXOTIC!!!!!!!! LUCKY RASBERRY... Hunter!!!! WTF!!!!!!! I almost quit!!!!!
Edited by wilshire1215: 12/24/2014 7:42:50 AMI just got Gjallahorn for the 3rd time in 2 days. That's 5 Gjallahorns for me now... Stupid Twice off Atheon (I need the Vex) Once out of first Crota Loot chest. I have 27 Atheon hard mode completions, still no vex while my buddy has got 6 vex all running with me
Got strange coins from nightfall 2 weeks in a row
Leveled Dead Orbit all the way to 39 before I got my first shader, Revenant. Got 3 of the same weapons and the only weapon, Hunger of Crota. :/
I got 3 Husks of the Pit after only 20 Blades of Crota.... My primary inventory is getting fuller and fuller now.... Stupid game
We beat Atheon on hard for the third time, the first square was shards, the second kept turning and turning. I chanted, "Mythoclast, Mythoclast, Mythoclast!" As it soon came to a stop it became: my second Time Breaker. *throws controller*
Tanked through noghtfall with colt in 10 minutes this morning got 5 -blam!-ing coins for stomping the hell outta nexus dafuq man
Did nightfall on all 3 characters this week and all dropped same shotgun secret handshake... Whatever maybe next week will be better doubt it though.
Doing nitefall on tues and getting nothing...
Edited by MustaKuolema: 12/24/2014 6:03:04 AMGoing in to VoG to try for VoC and get chatterwhite for the 4th time to have a person whose it's his first time in get it and ask "Is this any good?" Still have yet to get it... Or going into hard mode to try for vex and get Aspect of Glass for the umpteenth time to have another person whose it's his first hard raid get it and then I overhear him on party chat keep referring to it as "primary fusion rifle" and then says he's thinking about dismantling it... It took every fiber of my being not to say something
Hitting rank 28 dead orbit and still yet to get a shader.
2 ascendant energies from the nightfall drop
My worst RNG experience? Having to do around 25 hard raids just to get ONE Vex Mythoclast. Finally got it today.
Today during VoG. Got only energies! I needed 12 shards to get to 30 :(
I really want Icebreaker. So me a four other people go to get the first chest in Crota's End. 2 of the people get the Icebreaker and I got Radiant Energy.
About a month ago I ran the hard raid VOG with a group of guys. We just got through beating the Gatekeeper and I saw Corrective Measures just light up the lower left hand side of my screen as rewards for my fireteam. Someone in the fireteam says "wow, all six of us got Corrective Measures, that's awesome!" To which I was able to reply..."not everyone, I got shards." All 5 fireteam members got it and still to this day I have yet to receive this gun.
3 universal remotes in 1 day -__-
Finished nightfall last Tuesday morning. Got the old double blank for rewards. Made zero sense