Hey guys! I decided to start a thread and see what everyone's worst moment was when dealing with RNG?
[b]Mine:[/b] Spent half an hour farming glimmer that i needed to upgrade my Heart of the Praxic Fire to 2.0. Then broke down a Patience and Time to get an exotic shard, and i bought the upgrade. Then went and immediately did the nightfall, and what do you think my roll was at the end? Heart of the Praxic Fire 2.0..........
[b]What's your worst RNG moment?[/b]
[b]Also check out:[/b]
[url=http://www.bungie.net/en/Forum/Post/89360321/0/0]"Your best RNG moment?"[/url]
Edit: Looks like we've hit 1,000+ replies! I don't know if that's a good thing or a depressingly sad thing that we've all had such terrible luck. Lol either way, keep em comin' guys!
Edit: Wow! 2,000+ replies! Judging from the number of replies to my thread about your "best RNG moment," i'd say we all have more bad luck than good with this game. Lol
Beat Crota today... Got 2 shards
Every VoG. Nothing but shards.
Watching the other two in my fireteam get the hawkmoon and gjallahorn while I got a rock
RNG was trolling me all day lol. I actually got an exotic and a few legendaries but they were all so useless it was comical. Nightfall - legendary engram. Random I played with gets Hawkmoon. Weekly - two blues, the guy I played with got a legendary Goes to tower to decode engrams, there's a package for ranking up New Monarchy - legendary chest, for a hunter. I have one character, a warlock. One of my blues gets decoded into legendary armor - for a titan Legendary engram from the nightfall decodes into, yup, two shards. Solos first raid chest, exotic weapon pops up! This excites me because I've been playing since the beta and still no Icebreaker or Ghorn. Nope. No Land Beyond, which 99% of the people who comment on it say it isn't good. Anyway, I have no use for a primary sniper. I do a few ROC strikes to finish the 25 for the Bad Juju bounty. An add drops a legendary primary engram! Decoded into two shards. A blue leg engram decodes into a legendary! For a hunter. Hahaha sooooo much let down today:) Not crying, RNG was actually pretty good to me Sunday (didn't play Monday). It evens out over time.
My worst rng moment is whenever I load up the game.
None really. Nobody has ever gotten something that made me jealous. Some guy got Universal Remote from Vanguard ROC, but its terrible. Another guy got Plan C from a Vanguard ROC, but i don't want to waste my exotic slot on Plan C.
Every raid ever
Got chatterwhite and shards from hard raid last week
All I got from my run through on crotas end for my warlock was shards and energy, no armor no weapons not even a ship, was almost same with Titan except I got gauntlets and no land beyond (already got it)
My worst RNG moment occurs every Tuesday.
2 shards from crota....phuckin rng!
Already had CE gloves & boots for my hunter, got 2 pairs of gloves & 1 pair of boots today waiting another week till I can hit 32 I guess :(
I soloed this weeks nightfall with the update that made soloing harder and all I got was 9 strange coins
I have gotten two Universal Remotes in the last couple hours
Did Nightfall today twice. I got: two legendary shotguns, both worse than the ones I already have. My buddy got: The Last Word and Gjallahorn.
Last week and this weeks crota kills all rewarding me with materials and nothing else. Makes me sad but ohh well
Edited by SenilefelineS: 12/24/2014 2:08:10 AMdoc nope 3 weeks in a row for NF
Russian roulette *smh* never again
My freind has never gotten anything but shards and chatter white from the vault of glass
ONE legendary engram from the DLC nightfall strike
Getting Dragon's Breath and Hard Light consecutively from Iron Banner, and then getting Thunderlord from the exotic chest in VoG. Don't get me started on getting Thorn, jeez. RNGesus is an asshole.
Bought an engram from Xur hoping to get one of the new helmets after I got done upgrading my Feather helmet, and I get the 2.0 version of the helmet I just upgraded.
Best RNGday: [url=http://s9.postimg.org/wuoo8xlf3/IMG_20141223_084544.jpg]Drop 1[/url] [url=http://s12.postimg.org/a21c69aa5/IMG_20141223_154230_2.jpg]Drop 2[/url]
This is a hard one since I have sooooo many
This week last week coins in nightfall and 3 black hammers
Icebreaker from legend enagram(when I already upgraded my old one).....