Hey guys! I decided to start a thread and see what everyone's worst moment was when dealing with RNG?
[b]Mine:[/b] Spent half an hour farming glimmer that i needed to upgrade my Heart of the Praxic Fire to 2.0. Then broke down a Patience and Time to get an exotic shard, and i bought the upgrade. Then went and immediately did the nightfall, and what do you think my roll was at the end? Heart of the Praxic Fire 2.0..........
[b]What's your worst RNG moment?[/b]
[b]Also check out:[/b]
[url=http://www.bungie.net/en/Forum/Post/89360321/0/0]"Your best RNG moment?"[/url]
Edit: Looks like we've hit 1,000+ replies! I don't know if that's a good thing or a depressingly sad thing that we've all had such terrible luck. Lol either way, keep em comin' guys!
Edit: Wow! 2,000+ replies! Judging from the number of replies to my thread about your "best RNG moment," i'd say we all have more bad luck than good with this game. Lol
When I got 3 no lands beyond
Getting my 6th Praedyth's Revenge
The 3rd nightfall in a row to get coins. That's my worst moment. it's worst when you expect good loot. All my worst moments are during end of strikes.
Decided to try the 1st Crota chest again today. Last week I got some shards or something I can't use yet. Today, very first attempt, green light is on! Yes! Chest opens, and a yellow box pops up! Yes! It's a gun! Yes! It's "No Land Beyond" . No! Best drop opportunity I've gotten in weeks, and it's junk!
Today, did the entire raid on one of my characters, got nothing but radiant energy the whole time including the rewards from crota Did you get praxic Fire today? I got it to and a lot of other people I've heard got it
One mote and one coin in two straight faction packages.
5 measly strange coins for a nightfall....
When I really wanted an icebreaker and for 2 weeks in a row 2 of the people who completed nightfall with me got it and I didn't. What really killed me was that both of them already had one lol. Got it today tho so rng gods are forgiven
No Ghorn still. Maybe four or five Atheon hard mode kills that resulted in two energies.
Still no Ghorn
Mine's on-going. Y'know those commendation packages we receive for levelling our Vanguard & Crucible rep? Well, since TDB launched, I've had some of the new Legendary armour in each one. And before you say that's not bad, I have now received two Titan helmets, one set of Titan gauntlets, two Titan legs, and one set of Hunter legs... All whilst playing as my [b]Warlock[/b].
Ongoing... Cryptarch rank 33. Two legendaries from him so far. C'mon man!
Winning 1st place in 4 rumble matches in a row and getting nothing every game.
Spent all night leveling up the bastard cryptarch I go get the package and get [u]3 legendary engrams[/u] one heavy a class item and a chest so happy the bastard didn't screw me over for once go to decrypt gives me two hunter items and energy i don't even have a hunter ;( I cri evry Tim
Still no fagging vex mytho
got 2 legendary engrams from doing ROC strike playlist.. 1 was heavy weapon engram and the other was chest... both turned out to be SHARDS
waited months to buy sunbreakers from Xur following day did Weekly Heroic got a legendary engram turned into sunbreakers -___-
2 of my friends getting 1 exotic each and 1 legendary helm engram. What did I get? A god damn FWC weapon :(
Everyday on this crap loot system.
Worst RNG experience? Buying Destiny
So i bought light beyond nemesis that one week...next weeks nightfall i get another light beyond nemesis, 2 weeks later another light beyond nemesis from a nightfall and then about 2 weeks ago i got another one from a nightfall, then this week i got a xur engram and hoped for a obsidian mind...light beyond nemesis
VoG. Nothing but ascendant shards throughout the whole thing. -_-
Getting a legendary engram from nightfall and having it turn into 2 energies.
Getting 4 legendary engrams. All of them were primary and special. All i got was energies
Beat nightfall 8 ascendant shard. Or first in rumble guy below me gets dragons breath and legendary engram primary