Hey guys! I decided to start a thread and see what everyone's worst moment was when dealing with RNG?
[b]Mine:[/b] Spent half an hour farming glimmer that i needed to upgrade my Heart of the Praxic Fire to 2.0. Then broke down a Patience and Time to get an exotic shard, and i bought the upgrade. Then went and immediately did the nightfall, and what do you think my roll was at the end? Heart of the Praxic Fire 2.0..........
[b]What's your worst RNG moment?[/b]
[b]Also check out:[/b]
[url=http://www.bungie.net/en/Forum/Post/89360321/0/0]"Your best RNG moment?"[/url]
Edit: Looks like we've hit 1,000+ replies! I don't know if that's a good thing or a depressingly sad thing that we've all had such terrible luck. Lol either way, keep em comin' guys!
Edit: Wow! 2,000+ replies! Judging from the number of replies to my thread about your "best RNG moment," i'd say we all have more bad luck than good with this game. Lol
When I bought this game...cause I got a piece of shit.
Opening faction packages and receiving a single mote of light.
Edited by Battle Shorts: 6/14/2015 12:22:47 AMEvery time I completed a Nightfall where my friends got legendary or exotic stuff and I would get 10 materials.
Did an entire VoG raid and got nothing but ascendant materials :/
Edited by The Trojan Horse: 6/12/2015 7:58:32 PMSoloed Deathsinger and got No Land Beyond Soloed Crota on normal and got No Land Beyond Soloed nightfall and Got No Land Beyond Soloed Nightfall on alt. and got legendary engram, which turned into No Land Beyond Did crucible, came in first on winning team, go No Land Beyond All in the span of 2 days.
Edited by Rasputin: 6/12/2015 7:50:41 PMI did a nightfall, got a NLB Did crota on hard, killed the deathsinger, got a NLB Killed crota, got a NLB All on the same day WHAT THE ASS!
me and 2 buds were 3 manning crota and mid way through killing him 2 guys join in and they both get exotics -_-
Edited by albinomachina: 6/13/2015 1:59:33 AMI've been playing since beta, so the newer players won't understand this, but I got my first purple engram (a primary weapon, and I just knew it was going to be a bad ass scout rifle). I was so excited, got to the tower and went to the Cryptarch to decode it and .... he turned it into a blue auto rifle. It kind of hurt my feelings. edit - I really don't think I've ever been as disappointed in any other RNG moment in this game as I was my first legendary item getting turned into a rare one. And then it kept happening for the next three months or however long it took them to finally fix it.
I got screwed 3 weeks in a row on nightfall. 1st week: 9 coins 2nd week: 10 shards 3rd week: 11 energies
Two Dragon's Breaths from the same raid.[spoiler]I only need one lol[/spoiler]
Getting 2 aspects of glass
Crota cp hard mode, no previous normal mode completion on character for the week: 5 shards! Can't actually complain too much, I'm only missing 6 things from the entire raid, and haven't completed it millions of times! Vog however; pretty much every checkpoint is frustrating... And this is the same for everyone I'm sure! I'm only missing a handful of weapons and the hard ship, but I have no armour on any character!! How does that work... I even got the vex first! I'm stuck at 28 still (in a manor of speaking)!
the Annoyingest (I know it's not a word but please) Most uncooperative player i have Ever played with gets the Vex and Gally in One VoG run. I had no words. I congratulated him and was on my way. ate some pizza to feel better.
Bought ice breaker from xur when he first sold and then got one from a legendary engram
When a guy from the enemy team was lag switching a lot but still was in the last place. But guess what? You guessed it He got the Gjallarhorn
Getting a mote of light. I want to sell mine to roll addicts
I got my first thunderlord the day before xurthedickhead sold it
Getting 6 no land beyond a in 1 day
Just did 15 dragon strikes, not only did I not get one single found item at the end but no one on my fire team did either for 15 strikes. Might have been more but said F this shit. Strikes being good for farming my ass
NLB 3 nightfalls in a row Still happy though because free shard
Got shards from nightfall 2 weeks in a row.
Last week in nightfall I got 20 strange coins and an exotic arm piece for Titan that I had... My friend got an etheric light, thunderlord, and of course gjallahorn
My worst rng moment is doing poe and seeing 2 gallys drop while i got a dreamwaker it haunts me to this day
when you run to pick up a purple engram and its yet another new design hunter helmet. not a fan of the new vanguard and crucible armour
Ran nightfall with 2 randoms, Solar burn both randoms using G-horn.... Finish nightfall rewards screen comes up..... Both randoms get ANOTHER G-HORN......I get 9 shards FML