Hey guys! I decided to start a thread and see what everyone's worst moment was when dealing with RNG?
[b]Mine:[/b] Spent half an hour farming glimmer that i needed to upgrade my Heart of the Praxic Fire to 2.0. Then broke down a Patience and Time to get an exotic shard, and i bought the upgrade. Then went and immediately did the nightfall, and what do you think my roll was at the end? Heart of the Praxic Fire 2.0..........
[b]What's your worst RNG moment?[/b]
[b]Also check out:[/b]
[url=http://www.bungie.net/en/Forum/Post/89360321/0/0]"Your best RNG moment?"[/url]
Edit: Looks like we've hit 1,000+ replies! I don't know if that's a good thing or a depressingly sad thing that we've all had such terrible luck. Lol either way, keep em comin' guys!
Edit: Wow! 2,000+ replies! Judging from the number of replies to my thread about your "best RNG moment," i'd say we all have more bad luck than good with this game. Lol
I played for months, hours upon hours, and finally get my beloved icebreaker that I'd wanted for a looooong time. My friend plays for a couple weeks, and gets icebreaker in one of his first few crucible matches as a level 25. :/
2 atheons epilogue and shards. My friend got gjallarhorn and the vex
Ran the complete Crota hard raid and got 6 shards and 8 energys... Two people got gjallahorn
I've done VoG 4 times total. I have 3 timebreakers and a vision of confluence :/ Just kill me
All of the raids and PoE I do is to get Hawkmoon. Seen it drop for dozens of people but me . Destiny is an addictive infinite loop of bullshit. Its like putting crack in a circle and snorting it endlessly . Destiny is crack for people , this games loot system should have been unique but no . RNG is the only way to distribute good gear. You want exotics ?? Go play nightfalls 200 times and maybe if your lucky you'll see other people get the exotics you want. I want e3 2013 Destiny. At least that looked promising but of course companies will be companies and lie to squeeze money out of fans. Once you have fans you could do anything. Pre orders are what seals the deal. Once a company sees tons of preorders the game changes . I'm tired of crying I'm going to bed. [spoiler]-blam!- RNG [/spoiler]
This lol
Did VOG hard mode and all that I got from the whole thing was a green rocket launcher..didn't know it was possible
Judgement Chance and got the POE Rocket with SHANK BURN!!!!!!!!!
I've had 4 exotics drop since how came out and all of them have been the no land beyond....
I just got 3 dragons breaths, vog chest hard, death singer and heavy wep engram... Woohoo... But I did tard out and simantled one while I still had a fresh 302 dmg one I'll need to upgrade if I want it
Bought about 25 helmet engrams from Xur in hopes of getting Celestial Nighthawk and of course I get shit on by the Cryptard.
Opening 25 Exotic Chest Engram's and not getting Purifier Robes.
Sawtooth oscillator from the nightfall. Haven't got a single rocket launcher since dragons breath, which I deleted, after being FORCED to by a friend.
I got no land beyond twice in the same hour
Everyone on my crucible game got a legendary and some engram, trials coin etc. I get nothing. Absolutely nothing.
Carried my friend (lvl 30, <1 day played) through the nightfall 2 weeks in a row. Both times he got Gjallahorn while I got the hard light and a 55a-allfate. (shitty guns by the way) my other friend (lvl 31, a little more than 1 day played) first prison of elders chest was a gjallahorn. For me it went in a row, (1) Truth, (2) dragons breath, (3) Universal Remote. I have almost 8 days played with all 3 characters combined and no gally, have done plenty of nightfalls and raids and everything else I could think of but nothing but crap. Now I know that I'm never gonna spend money at a casino...
I played VoG in hard mode hoping for a Fatebringer or something. Instead, I got 3 Found Verdicts in one run.
Two weeks in a row I got the No Land Beyond from Crota's raid. Then I got one from a Legendary engram a day after the second one. Then I go to Xur to see if he has a weapon I want. He was selling the No Land Beyond. #NoLuckBeyond
got radiant shards for all parts on crota
Starfire protocol Starfire protocol Voidfang Vestemants Starfire protocol
Bought 4 chest engrams fro xur yesterday. Here's what I got, in order: Lucky Raspberry Crest of Alpha Lupi (Titan) Crest of Alpha Lupi (Titan) Lucky Raspberry Glad i got the titan version of the crest, but i was hoping to get the hunter version
My worst experience is still on going, I have every other exotic (excluding HoW ones) but the Gally.
Did a Nightfall a couple months ago. The other two guys got a Gjallarhorn...I got No Land Beyond.
Got three of the same snipers out of the nightfall.
When i pulled the same fusion rifle from the night fall on all 3 classes and out of a engram on the herioc on my titan
This past week I upgraded my Thunderlord. Yesterday my reward for the nightfall was etheric light. During the NF I got a legendary engram. Turned it in and got.... Thunderlord. My 5th one.