Hey guys! I decided to start a thread and see what everyone's worst moment was when dealing with RNG?
[b]Mine:[/b] Spent half an hour farming glimmer that i needed to upgrade my Heart of the Praxic Fire to 2.0. Then broke down a Patience and Time to get an exotic shard, and i bought the upgrade. Then went and immediately did the nightfall, and what do you think my roll was at the end? Heart of the Praxic Fire 2.0..........
[b]What's your worst RNG moment?[/b]
[b]Also check out:[/b]
[url=http://www.bungie.net/en/Forum/Post/89360321/0/0]"Your best RNG moment?"[/url]
Edit: Looks like we've hit 1,000+ replies! I don't know if that's a good thing or a depressingly sad thing that we've all had such terrible luck. Lol either way, keep em comin' guys!
Edit: Wow! 2,000+ replies! Judging from the number of replies to my thread about your "best RNG moment," i'd say we all have more bad luck than good with this game. Lol
Every time I find Laughing Behind Your Back now.
For 3 weeks now, i have gotten doubles of armor i already have. Kid you not. Bought the helms of inmost light and armamentarium for both my titans, got ruin wings from engrams, run the nightfall on both my titans 3 separate weeks and boom get the same crap... To make things worse, i just ran it on my hunter who has the aclyophage symbiote, and i got another one of those... Im so done with this game...
After beating Atheon hard (a though run with several 27-28s) I got 2 VoG helmets and Aspect of Glass. I've never seen the same item drop twice on the same CP before.
A post I literally made yesterday about this which sums up my shitty week of RNG bias. https://www.bungie.net/en/Forum/Post/118078926/0/0/1
I was playing Crotas end and got Dragons breath from deathsinger I dismantled it after that I went on to the Crota cp and I beat Crota and get dragons breath again -_-
I was playing Crotas end and got Dragons breath from deathsinger I dismantled it after that I went on to the Crota cp and I beat Crota and get dragons breath -_-
15+ chatterwhites
25 blue engrams, zero turned into legendary.
Idk if this would be a bad RNG moment for me but... I was in gorgons chest and inviting people who need gorgons chest into my fireteam and I got my first Hawkmoon.When I got Hawkmoon I began a ritual and three other people got Hawkmoon and my best friend cozy got shards.After that she said "I will not speak to you until I get a Hawkmoon."
When you see the yellow box after decrypting a legendary. 5 times. Out of 5 primary engrams. And it's ALL NO LAND BEYOND
Every Tuesday... Around reset?
Getting my 8th black hammer. I love black hammer but I just keep getting it
Only time I have ever gotten a non Raid-specific exotic was from the Deathsinger: ANOTHER DRAGON'S BREATH. -_-
getting no land beyond when i came top in iron banner
Me and my buddy did 2 man nightfall full burns archon. Had to do it twice cuz we got cocky at the end and ended up dying noob mistake. Completed it and I got 10 ascendant shards. My buddy got 7 :D
RNG frequently shafts us all. I'll share a recent win. I noticed Xur was selling Mida and Alpha Lupi, both of which I wanted for my newly leveled Hunter. I only had enough Strange Coins for one. So I gambled on the thought that I could get Alpha Lupi from the Chest Engram Xur had. I bought the Mida for the Hunter and went ahead with the engram. I went to Rahool, and RNG saw fit to drop Alpha Lupi, just as planned. I love it when a plan comes together!
I think the worst is, when you ONLY get a legendary engram from Nightfall which then only turns into shards or energy...
I just started playing destiny, and I was in dire need of a helmet. Well xur was selling that week a helmet and the icebreaker. Well remember I just started playing, so I brought the exotic helmet saint 14. Went and played crota on hard and you won't believe what I got in less then 30 minutes of buying that damn helmet! Icebreaker still to this day has been impossible to damn get!
Ran a nightfall with my cousin he and I both only needed one exotic and this was a couple months ago before xur sold Hardlight. I have a Hardlight and that was my prize he got a thunderlord which is the only exotic that I need WTF
Been trying hard to get the fate bringer. I've went 12 or 13 Templar check points in a row with nothing but shards/energies and the last three times I got a praedyths revenge
This whole day, seeing The 4th Horseman drop for many others when's it my last exotic to get
Back in the old days when I got a legendary and rolled a green....
buying suros for the first time from xur and getting a second one in crucible immediately after.
Getring twice as many kills as randoms on weekly lvl 30 I get 2 blues while they both get 2 legendarys.. And 2 manned the nightfall wirh friend and both got dragons breath.... Fml
Finished a crota hard Cp and not one but TWO hawkmoons dropped and I didn't get any .....I need the hawkawesome so it hurt me right in the feels .....I cry every Tim
All of my exotic drops since February. None of them were Hawkmoon, and that's the only useful exotic I didn't have at the time. I've gotten 4 crux of Crota, 3 Gjallarhorns, 3 red death, 3 fourth horseman, 3 no land beyond, 3 truth, 3 dragon's breath, 2 Hard light, 2 thorn, 2 super good advice, 2 bad juju, 2 last word, 2 vex Mythoclasts, ice breaker, patience and time, universal remote, Suros regime, and invective all from RNG in that time alone. So, in other words, the only 3 RNG exotics that have NOT dropped for me in that time are plan C, Monte Carlo, and Hawkmoon. I've had plan C since my first raid, and got Monte Carlo in October. I have the worst good luck of any Destiny player I know.