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Edited by Shiki: 4/16/2015 12:48:27 AM

Your worst RNG moment?

Hey guys! I decided to start a thread and see what everyone's worst moment was when dealing with RNG? [b]Mine:[/b] Spent half an hour farming glimmer that i needed to upgrade my Heart of the Praxic Fire to 2.0. Then broke down a Patience and Time to get an exotic shard, and i bought the upgrade. Then went and immediately did the nightfall, and what do you think my roll was at the end? Heart of the Praxic Fire 2.0.......... [b]What's your worst RNG moment?[/b] [b]Also check out:[/b] [url=]"Your best RNG moment?"[/url] Edit: Looks like we've hit 1,000+ replies! I don't know if that's a good thing or a depressingly sad thing that we've all had such terrible luck. Lol either way, keep em comin' guys! Edit: Wow! 2,000+ replies! Judging from the number of replies to my thread about your "best RNG moment," i'd say we all have more bad luck than good with this game. Lol

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  • The last 7 times I have beaten crota on hard: 1. My 2nd hunter helmet. 2. On reset, beat it with my hunter and got my 3rd hunter helmet. 3. Word of crota 4. Word of crota 5. Word of crota 6. Word of crota 7. Word of crota I would love to get something I do not already have please.

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  • I got the same gun in a nightfall twice.

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  • Bone circlet from deathsinger

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  • Made a new thread for all the 32's out there!

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  • Did the daily with two friends a few weeks ago. It was the final mission on Venus, actually a "challenging" daily so to say. None of us have obtained the Ghorn yet but we all joke about it. I kept saying I'm going to get the horn from this daily. Then I got a legendary engram, heavy weapon one. Lol. Flying towards the tower, one of my friends was more stressed then myself, the other was laughing the entire way. I talk with the Cryptarch. 2 shards.

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    • Moment?? How about 1250hrs of garbage RNG moments.

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    • This weeks weekly. 2 energies and a blue engram. Absolute crap. Forget the 9 coins I've got loads.

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    • In lastest Winter's Run my friend got two legendary engrams and I got rare engrams

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    • Every nightfall ever.

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    • My worst moment came while leveling up my Hunter. I had been grinding on the strike list all day to earn my first 75 marks. When I finally got them I bought the Gravebreaker sleeves. I was still pretty noobish at this point so it didn't occur to me to just give my Hunter one of my Titan's Commendations, and get chest armor instead. While out on my very next patrol I acquire a legendary engram. When I decrypt it, it turns into Astrolord Grips. Ratings wise the same thing except better Intellect and Discipline. All I could do was face-palm...and equip my Astrolord Grips.

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    • Ok so i bought the last word from xur and then i do my first nightfall last word again and i Keep getting one : i got a 5th one im cursed!

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    • Getting shattered vault cloak from exotic chest in VoG 7 weeks in a row (Didn't have other Characters at the time.)

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    • Two characters nightfalls this week. Both got me crappy rolls of the same scout rifle from new monarchy. Third character, rare engram that turned into energy. Woohoo!

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    • Just solo'd this weeks nightfall... First time ice ever attempted and completed one by myself... Badger CCL same roll as my current fully upgraded model... Is love some shards or coins...

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    • My last 14 legendary engrams have been armor/class items. No weapon engram since early December..frustrating when you own every hunter exotic armor piece besides dance machines.

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      • Every nightfall until this week. I finally got an exotic! Ruin wings, for the non existent Titan I'll never make

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      • I would have to say my worst moment has been the last 6-7 weeks I haven't been able to get the raid chest piece for my Titan on Crota it's really pissing me off. I guess I'll have to wait until next week!!

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      • Doing crotas end hard and getting shards every reward

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      • Doing Croatas end at the reset yesterday 3 out of 6 get gjallerhorns after killing ir yut and me and the other 2 get -blam!-ing energy. Not to mention the 2 out of the 3 who got the ghorn left immediately after. -blam!- YOU RNG

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        • All of them are my worst RNG moments.

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        • The first time Omnighul was the nightfall, I did it with 2 friends. One left right before we finished since he had it done and wanted to make room for his brother. His brother joins and 2 minutes later Omnighul is dead. I get 5 strange coins and the brother that just joined got Hard Light.

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        • Last night I received black hammer and suros regime for beating crota on normal

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        • I was level 29, and went to the forums to ask for help with my first Nightfall. A couple of lvl 31's invited me to their group and said they wouldn't mind pulling me through. I must have died 10 or so times, and had half the kills of anyone else. We finished in pretty good time despite me being carried. At the end, I started to thank them for taking me through, and the next thing you know they're swearing and saying this game sucks, and they rage quit the group... I got the Ghorn as a reward. Really, I felt awful... but that soon wore off, haha.

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          • For the last two weeks, on two characters, the nightfalls and raids have yielded a whopping zero exotics.

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            • For the past 2 weeks only getting the ships from crota and atheon.

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