Hey guys! I decided to start a thread and see what everyone's worst moment was when dealing with RNG?
[b]Mine:[/b] Spent half an hour farming glimmer that i needed to upgrade my Heart of the Praxic Fire to 2.0. Then broke down a Patience and Time to get an exotic shard, and i bought the upgrade. Then went and immediately did the nightfall, and what do you think my roll was at the end? Heart of the Praxic Fire 2.0..........
[b]What's your worst RNG moment?[/b]
[b]Also check out:[/b]
[url=http://www.bungie.net/en/Forum/Post/89360321/0/0]"Your best RNG moment?"[/url]
Edit: Looks like we've hit 1,000+ replies! I don't know if that's a good thing or a depressingly sad thing that we've all had such terrible luck. Lol either way, keep em comin' guys!
Edit: Wow! 2,000+ replies! Judging from the number of replies to my thread about your "best RNG moment," i'd say we all have more bad luck than good with this game. Lol
5 shards for Omnigul NF
10 shards for this week's nightfall. May as well have dropped nothing.
Not getting the fatebringer after seeing it drop for others soooo many times
Edited by comiclegregblade: 1/8/2015 11:36:51 PMMore like a string of RNG fails First i purchase the helmet of inmost light from xur (1.0) Then 2 rare engrams become legendary TITAN helmets after the dark below Then xur returns with a exotic helm engram Turns into the glass house FML
Edited by RustyMaggots: 1/8/2015 11:27:12 PMTook me and my team over an hour to kill the Templar there was one guy on our team that was stupid and useless he's the worst player I've ever played with in the game and we all hated him and when we beat the Templar we all got energies and shards and he got an exotic, it was the ice breaker
getting 2 shards for killing Templar.
Probably this week alone actually. Three nightfall runs, first run was 5 coins, second run was 8 coins and third run was a legendary engram which YES YOU GUESSED IT turned into shards. Worst.week.ever
3 crash shotguns
Getting a Legendary Engram from nightfall and it turned into 2 energies
Last night I watched a level 20 join into crucible. He got 6 kills and 16 deaths. The top player and me both received no reward. However the level 20 newb who couldn't go positive received a shiny new suros regime from his drop. I have played since a day after release, and still no exotic from crucible...
I got dragons breath and no land beyond from the raid chest this week, after I bought them the previous two weeks from xur, and I got absolutely nothing from nightfall (for the seventh time I'm the past 2 months)
Six identical copies of "The Crash" shotgun from the crayola cult from six legendary engrams. I just want a sniper. ;--;
I soloed the nightfall yesterday. Took a LONG time with no burn. And I got 12 ascendant shards...that made my total over 100...a little pissed.
Every day since I installed the game has been a tie.
95% of my play time.
The "gift"
6 strange coins from the nightfall
Soloing nightfall last part noob joins and dies with 0 kills i kill the boss guy with 0 kills and 0 damage done gets hawkmoon i get legendary scout rifle that sucks yaaaaay
...turning in my FIRST EVER legendary engram only to have it decrypted into a really not legendary Blue weapon/// I seriously wished I could use my weapon in The Tower that day so that I could kill that bastard Rahool ...luckily he's been taught manners and doesn't do that anymore
When I did the omnigul nightfall strike on the first week of the dlc, I had to reset 3 times with my fireteam. Finally when we finished, they got exotics and I... Got 6 Strange Coins...
I played weekly and nightfall yesterday. Nightfall I got 6 strange coins. One of my teammates got a legendary fusion rifle and the other a legendary engram. On the weekly I got strange coins and blue engrams. The teammate who got the legendary engram previously got another legendary engram and the other got a vanguard rank up. So I'm stuck with strange coins and blue while they both get at least 2 purples. :/
Where to begin...... Ascendant materials from nightfall Legendary packages that are a single useless commendation + 1 shard or energy Legendary engrams that are extremely rare to drop during missions to begin with decoding into a blue item.... 6 Crota runs now that give NOTHING but energy (+ 3 shards at one drop) Watching the loot drop after beating crota and seeing some people get 2 guns or 1 gun and 1 armor and you get 2 energy from it..... Finishing the weekly only to get a single blue piece of armor (not encoded even) while your lowest rated player gets TWO legendary engrams, once of which turns into a Gally...... I'll stop there or stop playing completely.....
Got 2 energies and 4 shards off the crota raid last night....@&#+#
Bought aclyophage symbiote and upgraded my mask of the third man, and 2 helm engrams. Get an aclyophage symbiote and mask of the third man from engrams >_> that means I have gotten 3 Hunter class items out of 15 decrypted exotics total.
5 No Land Beyonds! First was bought from Xur, next 4 were all RNG...